Chapter 72.

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As the night grew on, The Cavern became a calm scene and the crowds dispersed like the smoke in the air. After my run in with Richard, I invited him to our table where I learned John and the guys have begun to consider recruiting Richard into The Beatles. When I asked about Peter, nothing was said. I had to admit, a part of me was shocked and a bit bothered with the dishonesty and betrayel of a band member. Something John never took too lightly. I didnt want to get too into it so i let the subject pass.

Cynthia excused herself about an hour into our get together to remind John about her plans for the next day. He was a bit disappointed but let her leave. It was nice to see that he wasnt all rage and encouraging of her skipping classes to drink the night away with him. I noticed the small changes the more we all stuck around.

"We should get together again before you head back." Cyn smiled with a hug. I returned the gesture and let her go.

Stu and the guys were in deep conversation when I saw the time and had to remind Stu himself that it should be time that we were headed off ourselves. He reluctantly agreed and we all said our goodbyes. It felt like a typuical night back in the day when we would gather and meet with one another about the band or just to cool down after a long gig.

"Hope to see you two sometime soon. I'd hate for you two leave without a solid goodbye." Richard hugged me and shook Stu's hand.

"I'll make sure you get the first notice." I giggled and waved goodbye. John followed us out and watched Stu and I hold hands.

"Hey um, it really is nice to see you two again. Before it all I guess i never realised how much I needed familiartity in my life. We've all been through enough and, lets start over yeah?"

"That sounds great mate. Look we better shove off. The little one gets a bit fussy when he hasnt had his nightly ritual with Molly and I singing him to sleep."

John chuckled and shook his head. "Is it different? Life I mean now."

Stu shrugged. "A little. Everything changes when you grow up."

John just nodded and flicked his cig away. "Aye em, if this band doesn't make really think New York would be okay?"

I watched as Stu just smiled and place his hands on his friends shoulders. "The band will work out mate. G'night."

And with that, took my hand and led me off back to the car.


Greetings, feedings, showers and goodnights were all that happened once we got back to mine. Little Liam was happily in my arms enjoying a bottle while Stu took his pills and wrote down a few things for the post in the morning.

"Ye know I was thinkin of takin Liam off on my own to see dad."

I looked at him. "Why?? We had it planned already."

"I think there needs to be some things that need straightening out with you and you know who next door."

I was going to open my mouth to speak but shut it as he spoke.

"I think its best you tell him about Liam as well."

I sighed and set Liam in his crib. "I dont know Stu. I mean its been so long and...."

"I know how you feel about him Molly. Its always been that way between you two and...even though it drives me mad to see you make those eyes at him, i know its my time to step back for a little bit so you can set things straight."

I sat on the edge of the bed beside him and held his hand. "I love you so much."

"And I love you." He stroked the side of my cheek. "Youre so beautiful. It's no wonder why all these blokes 'ave wanted ye like mad. You're a heartbreaker you are." He teased. "But youre my little heartbreaker. And thats all ive ever wanted."

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