Chapter 6.

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"George were amazing up there." I beamed, holding onto his arm. We were all backstage, meeting people and having drinks after the gig.

"Thanks Moll. I can't help but to feel a little embarrased. I mean you turnin up out of the blue. After you didn't show I...I thought maybe you chose him."

I gave a small smile and kissed his cheek. "I could never choose him over you."

He gave me a smile. "So how was your day? I mean work."

I giggled and shook my head. "You can read all about it later. Let's just enjoy the night."

We made our way out front to the bar. George handed me a drink as I introduced him to Tiffany. The two talked for a little while as I sat, staring across the room at a guy who often looked my way. His eyes meeting mine a few times only to look away. I hid my smile and looked down.

He wore a dark shirt with black jeans. His hair ungreased and a bit hanging over his eyes. He didn't look much like a rock n roller. He was silent and a bit distant from everyone in the room. It was only until I saw the other guiarist from the band walk over to him, he began to speak.

"Since mister control isn't here, maybe you can meet me mates now?" George smiled.

"I'd love that." I smiled.

Tiffany followed as George led us to the corner of the large room where a few guys sat having drinks. The guy I was looking at now gone from the club.

"So this is Paul." He pointed to a young guy about his age too busy chatting with a girl.

"Paul. Is he the one you go to the Institute with?"

He nodded. "Yeah. And there's John. It's his band you know."

I blushed as John walked over and draped an arm around my shoulder.

"Ello love. Where you been hiding this one George? She the big breasted bird you been on about?"

George turned red. "She's just a friend."

John shook his head. "Just a friend? If I had a friend like this I'd keep her to myself as well. You got a name love?" He asked me.

"Molly." I giggled.

"Well Molly, ye like Rock N Roll?" He winked. I bit my lip to hide my smile. He was gorgeous. His eyes looking into mine. He smelled like cigarettes. Beautiful eyes, a cute smile.

I looked over at Tiffany. She made a face for me to go with him.

"I do." I looked back at John, giving a naughty smile. He smirked.

"Great. Mine or yours?" He asked, leaning into my ear. My body tingled with excitement.

"Mine. Nobody's home." I answered. His hand lowered to my bottom and gave a squeeze. I giggled.

"I'll be back in a minute. Gotta put my gear away." He kissed my cheek and left. Tiffany squeaked and ran over to me, squeezing my arm.

"Oh my god Molly!"

"I don't know what came over me! He's so cute!"

"Just go with it! Have fun and forget about stupid Peter! Tonight's your night!" She giggled.
"What about you?? Are you alright with me leaving?"

"I can manage on my own don't worry. Tell me everything tomorrow!" She smiled.

John came back a few minutes later, wrapping an arm around my waist. I couldn't help blushing as he kissed my cheek. George walked over and just looked at us.

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