Chapter 40.

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I burst through the open door to see Stu quickly back off Tiffany. Her semi naked body under his. Lipstick all over his face and neck. She sat up and ran a hand through her hair.

"M...Molly what...I thought you were off at George's..." She stuttered.

"What the hell is this!?" I yelled angrily. Stu pulled his jeans on and ran a hand through his hair frantically.

"Molly I can explain.."

"Explain what!? How could you do this to me?? I...I didn't think you were that type of man.." I felt tears of anger welling up in my eyes. "I was wrong."

"Molly wait!" I heard them yell as I ran off. My heels making my feet sore. I bumped into a few people, making my way outside. I felt tired. My chest hurt. It was like seeing Peter all over again. I trusted him. I let my guard down. I'm a fool.

The skies were dark. Almost black exept for the purple hint of clouds that would soon form a storm.

As I slowed my run, I threw my heels off and made my way barefoot to George's. I noticed the light up in his room on. The neighborhood silent except for my sniffles. The lights in my old home all on. I stopped at the front door and thought for a few seconds. Instead, I headed for the Harrisons.

It was empty inside except for the sound of a guitar upstairs. I wiped my eyes and walked up, slowly knocking. My feet felt numb at this point.

"Mum I told you I'm old enough to be 'ere alone!"

I opened to see him on the messy floor with guitar in lap. Munching on cookies with a sheet of music in front of him. His hair was now disheveled. It's been awhile seeing him this way. So familiar. He looked at me.

"Oh Molly. I...Hello." he smiled. I gave a small smile.

"Mom still don't trust you?"

"Not one bit. Molly've been crying."

"No I haven't."

"I know when you've been crying Moll. Your nose turns pink and you 'ave nothin to say."

I sat on his bed set my purse down. He offered me a cookie and I took one.

"Molly?" He waited. I sighed.

"Stuart. He...He went out on me."

"With who? Stuart are you sure??"

I nodded. "I'm positive. I just can't understand why??" I laid back and cried. He set his guitar down and sat beside me, holding my hand.

"I'm sorry Molly. With who??"


His eyes widened a bit then calmly looked at his lap. "I...I don't know what to say."
"There's nothing to say George. Why now?? I thought we were so perfect! I mean...he's different than other guys."

"Has he been acting off lately? I mean...anything off know." He trailed off.

"Since Peter's shown up?" I finished. "I don't know George. He's off at practice a lot lately..he's stopped with his art...his mind is always elsewhere and he's really gotten into this Rock 'N Roll thing. I's what I wanted and now...I don't know if I do anymore. I want my old Stu back. It's no wonder I mean all those girls who hang around after each gig and the energy and hormones. Men are pigs all the same..." I looked at him. "I'm sorry."

"No you're pretty right on that. Molly, you're a beautiful girl. Any bloke would be lucky to call you theirs." He gave a reassuring smile.

"Thanks George but...I don't know what to do."

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