Chapter 38.

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The fight probably lasted about twenty minutes. Glass was everywhere, instruments were ruined, punches and a whole brawl was taken place in the drafty club. All because of me.

After we were all thrown out and told to never return, John was angry out of his mind at not only Peter...but at me. This caused tension between everyone since we were all supposed to be on the same side.

I sat outside on the side of the curb, shakily smoking a ciggy and wiping my eyes. Tiffany angrily pacing back and forth as John and Stu argued. The silence letting everyone in on what the fight was about.

"....I understand your bird is broken and sad but fuckin hell Stu this is my band and my fuckin responsibility!"

"Fuck off John is that all you care about!? Your band your morals..."

"My future Stuart! My fuckin future! We 'ave a shot to make it big and you bring your little wife in 'ere just to stir up bollocks and fuckin bring up old problems!"

"It's more than a problem and you know it! She's my wife of course she's goin to mean more to me than some band!"

"A band you're a part of Sutcliffe. Don't forget that."

It was silent for a few seconds. Then John spoke.

"Pete isn't goin anywhere. We need him whether you or miss tears out there likes it or not."

Stuart mumbled to himself as he stormed out of the building and the rental van came around the corner. John walked out and made eye contact with me. No more sympathy or caring. Just anger.

"C'mon. Were leavin." Stu grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet.

"Stuart we need to go home." I handed him my cig.

"I don't think home is Liverpool anymore." He sighed.

George walked over silently. "You two alright?"

"George...poor baby." I kissed his cheek and softly moved my fingers over his bruised cheek.

"You alright mate?" Stu asked. George nodded.

"Yeah. Fuckin hell I can't believe John defends a bloke like him. Even allowing him to stay in the group."

"Oh Georgie! You okay baby??" Tiffany came over and kissed his cheek over and over again. I just watched as she held his hand.

"Yeah I'm alright." He blushed.

"It was so brave of you to stand up to a guy much older than you." She beamed. He smiled.

Stu held my hand. "I think we should stay a little bit longer. Just you and me." He whispered. I nodded.

"I think that's best."

"You're not coming along??" Tiff asked.

"We need to be alone right now. Take care of George alright?" I asked. She giggled.

"Oh believe me I will." She teased. I had to admit, a part of me stung with jealousy at the sight of them together. Her flirtatious kisses and his blushing state. He was enjoying it. Enjoying her.

"George can I to you?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him aside. I looked over at John, Paul and Peter loading their gear. Cyn and Dot talking. "I want you to be careful."

"I'll be fine Moll. I'm not scared of Pete..."

"I meant Tiffany. She's my friend but...I know how she is."

"I'll be alright Molly. Besides...I don't think I'd be ready for anything like..that."

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "I'm grateful you stood up for me. It shows me how much you care."

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