Chapter 23.

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The next evening

"Aaah! I can't believe we did it!" I smiled, looking at the copy of our marriage certificate. "Mister and Missus Sutcliffe." I said aloud.

Stu smiled as he drove us home. Reaching for my hand, he kissed it and squeezed tight.

"I'm so glad you agreed to do this Molly. So, it's been an hour. How does it feel to be missus Sutcliffe?"

"It feels great mister Sutcliffe." I teased, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "You know, our first as a married couple needs to be magical. How about we go home, relax and just spend the rest of our night in bed?"

"Yeah? That sounds like a great idea. I just want to show you something." He pulled up in front of our building and grabbed something out of his pocket. A small box. He opened it and pulled out the gold band.

"Be official yeah? We both wear rings. Let people know were one." He put it on. I smiled and kissed him sensually. Our tongues moving together as I climbed into his lap. His hands moved over my bum, lifting up my skirt and caressing.

"Practice run?" I giggled. He nodded and pulled my underwear down, sliding his fingers between my legs.

Stuart and I were married. I mean legitamately, offically married. The papers to prove it, the rings. I knew everyone was going to freak out when they found out the truth. But we promised not to say anything unless someone asked or were suspicious. This had to be the most craziest but exciting thing I've ever done. I wonder what John would think of this.

Stu and I spent our nights in bed, making love as the new married couple we were. And in the mornings to afternoons, we spent it out, buying Stu's bass, finding songbooks and beginners guides, clearing space in the 'living room' for Tiffany's stay. She phoned us Saturday to say she would finally make the move in a week.

It was Sunday afternoon as Stu sat on the old rocking chair dad let us have, and picked at the different chords. I smiled, watching from a distance as I studied for my next test. He mumbled and reached over, grabbing his pills and downing them with a beer. I set my notebook aside and grabbed my camera, snapping a photo as he looked up at me.

"How's my rockstar doing?" I giggled.

"Frustrated." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I try and try but it doesn't stick in 'ere." He pointed to his head. I walked over and kissed his cheek.

"You need a break baby. Why don't you let me take your mind off things?" I smiled. He smirked and soon we were kissing like crazy. That was until there was a knock on the door. He held me close.

"Forget the door." He mumbled. I nodded and continued kissing until knocking turned into banging. I groaned and pulled away.

"We should get it."

He sighed and nodded. I walked over and opened the door as John swept passed me in a second, standing in the middle of the room, facing Stu.

"Alright you cunts. I know everything so you got some fuckin expaining to do."

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