Chapter 57.

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"I believe you owe me Sutcliffe." I giggled, pulling him out the backdoor to the alley. The cool air brushed against my legs as we kissed roughly. The sweat on his foreheard running down his face as we backed up against the brick building.

"Right here?" He asked.

I turned around, my back facing him as he kissed the side of my neck.

"Right here. Like this." I smirked, feeling his hands pull down my skirt.

The gig was probably the greatest start of their stay here in Germany. The band was on point with keeping the audience satisfied, Stu was clear with his bass playing, the dancer was happy with the outcome and promised to tell Bruno about their success long as she gives John a Welcome to Hamburg gift in the room behind the stage.

It was midnight when the show ended and Paul, Tiffany and the guys decided to have some drinks while Stu and I had a victory sex romp in the alley.

"Unnnff." I whined as he thrust into me repeatedly. Our under garnments around our ankles as he fucked me like an animal. My body was loving every minute of our public affection we didn't even stir when John walked out back in a daze.

"Fuckin christ you two." He laughed as I moaned louder, ready to come. Stuart rested his face in the back of my neck as he gave his last final thrusts, rubbing my clit with his fingers. My eyes shut as I burst into my orgasm. He came to a stop and breathed heavily, not pulling out right away just to enjoy our moment.

John stood back and watched us while smoking. I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

"Enjoy the show?" I asked teasingly. Stu hummed and rubbed my sides, looking at John.
"How was madam pushover?" He asked, finally pulling out.

"A fuckin animal." John smirked. "Sucked me cock for twenty minutes before letting me fuck her until her knees buckled."

Stu laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Such pigs."

"Oh miss prissy is judging! Shagging her bloke in an empty alley."

"I wonder where I could've gotten that idea from." I smirked as I hinted at our past sex memories. He made a face and flicked his cig.

"You two wanna come in and 'ave a drink?"

"Yeah." We said at the same time.

"Where'd we get set up for the night??" Stu asked as we entered the smokey club. The smell of liquor and cheap cigarettes made my stomach turn while we headed to the groups table. I gave George a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm so proud of you Georgie."

"Thanks Moll. Look em, I was thinkin when we get to the cinema, we can 'ave a chat. You and me." He said the last part in my ear. I knew what this was about. He did have every right to know since he's seen me throughout my struggles with Pete.

"Tomorrow George. I'm awfully tired. For now, let's enjoy a beer." I smiled. He nodded as we clinked our glasses and toasted to the beginning of a new chapter.

"This is a fuckin shithole." Paul muttered as we entered the tiny room. He was definitely right.

The wallpaper was peeling, the floor was dusty and smelled like urine. The two bunk beds on either side of the wall looked more like a dirty jailhouse cell than a room for company. The room was located behind a theatre that showed movies all day but to our luck, we'd be out all night so we could get some sleep. But then again, we were warned showings for each film would be early and loud. Showers were a loss and we weren't allowed a bathroom. Instead John found a time to sneak off to the mens restroom to clean up and shave. Us girls were completely disgusted with the living conditions but it was only temporary. We'd survive.

We all made the sleeping arrangement work somehow and got a good few hours of sleep. Stu woke me up about six in the morning to get some breakfast.

"Come on." I pulled Stu into the womens restroom and locked the door.

"This is bollocks. The ladies get a fuckin spotless place to piss and we get a pig sty."

I giggled and handed him a toothbrush as we brushed our teeth and washed up in the sink. Stu fixed his hair as I snapped a photo of him.

"Molly not now." He laughed.

"I'm supposed to document my stay remember? Might as well start now."

"Let's start after we've eaten huh? I got a fuckin appetite of a bloody elephant." He unlocked the door and led me out.

"What time does John want you all back for rehearsal?"

We headed out the building and down the street past the clubs.

"Noon most likely. I'm fuckin knackered by the third hour." He yawned and reached for my hand as we walked. Our fingers intertwined.



I sighed and slowed down our steps. He turned to me.

"What's wrong Moll?"

"I want you to remember why were doing this. Not just for the band but...for us. Remember you told me you wanted us to get to know one another better? I think we should start now."

He gave me a smile and kissed the top of my head. "Alright. Come on." He pulled me along to a small diner.

"Have you ever had any girlfriends before me?" I asked, putting creamer in my coffee. He laughed.

"Is that important to you?"


He took a drink of his cup and shrugged out of his jacket. "Yeah I have. Two to be exact."

"At the same time?"

"I'm not Lennon." He joked making me laugh. "No different times."

"And?" I asked.

"I dunno we just...didn't work I guess. I think I scared em off."

"Well I'm glad they were just a passing thing cause, I don't know where I'd be without you." I blushed. He chuckled.

"Aww Moll."

I giggled. "Your turn. What d'you wanna know about me??"

"Hmm." He sat back and looked up in thought. I enjoyed how perfect he looked. He always had a serious tone in his eyes that intimidated most. "Everything." He finally answered.

We must have spent all morning just wandering and talking. Holding hands and learning the small things about one another. Our favorite places, smells, food, books, poets, artists, hobbies. By the time we couldn't think of what else to say, I thought of one more.

"What's your favorite thing about me?" I asked. He pulled me to him as we stopped in our tracks and fixed my hair from the windy weather.

"Your smile and laugh. It's always been a goal of mine to make you happy everytime were together."

I blushed and buried my face in his chest to hide my reaction.

"I love you so much Stuart. You know what I love about you?"


"The way you fill me with so much happiness after all this time."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. My fingers moved in his hair as we just stood in the middle of the walkway in the same position for what seemed like a lifetime. I pulled back and looked down at his watch.

"Ready to start your second day as mister rockstar?" I teased.

"Not really but, it's a fuckin riot. C'mon." He pulled me along as we walked arm in arm.

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