Chapter 41.

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The snow turned into mush that morning. It slowly panned against the window above the bed. I awoke to the smell of pastries and George. He always smelled so good. Not like cologne. Just George. It may seem odd to explain but it was only knowing unless you were in his arms, in bed, with his warm breath on the back of your neck.

I slowly pulled his arms from around me off and got out of bed. He snored typically and I broke a small giggle. Knowing he was no longer a virgin and I was the one to have felt remarkable.

He turned around, facing away from me and I found this as my chance to head downstairs. Still only sporting George's shirt and in my undies, I smiled to see missus Harrison on the sofa, watching television and drinking tea.

"G'morning mummy." I teased, plopping beside her. She giggled and began to serve me. I grabbed the pot out of her hands and poured myself. She was thankful for the gesture.

"Good morning Molly love. George still snorin?"

"Just lightly this time. Where's mister Harrison?"

"He went down to get the papers. For now, it's us ladies." She patted my knee. I sipped and added sugar.

"George told you everything?"

"About Stuart and your friend yes. I'm sorry love. It isn't fair."

Fair. What happened last night with her son and I wasn't fair. A part of me wishes Stu and Tiff still slept together. Maybe I wouldn't feel as guilty.

"Missus Harrison...were close aren't we? I mean...I think of you as a second mother."

"And I think of you as a second daughter." She smiled. "You can talk to me about anythin. What's stirrin that mind of yours?" She gave me a warm smile. I bit my lip.

"It's very personal."

"I see. If you don't wish to speak about it then...."

"George and I made love last night." I burst out. She froze and just stared at me. Not shocked or in anger. But calm and confused.

"Wha...George and you? Last night when....Molly." She set her cup down. I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm sorry. Well I'm not actually. George and I we...he was a shoulder to cry on. He's been my bestfriend and I understand the age difference but we just...I needed him to know how I felt. I love George. And...we made love. It wasn't sex or some kind of random fu....I mean spur of the moment thing. It was...amazing." I smiled.

"Molly...I don't know what to think. I're still married and you've gone out on your husband."

I was about to speak but she went on.

"But I see your feelings for George are genuine. You love him. I know you do and always have. I just can't help wondering if you're...using him."

I took another sip of my tea and set it on the coffee table.

"I do love George. I just...I love Stuart as well. He's changed suddenly and I'm so confused." I tried to hold back the tears. But they poured out anyways. Just then George walked downstairs and saw me. He instantly made his way over and held me in his arms. Burying my head in his chest, I felt warm instantly.

"Shhh Molly it's alright. Don't hurt yourself over this."

"I don't want to go back."

"You won't have to. Mum Molly can stay here can't she??" He asked eagerly. But she stayed silent. Probably knowing what George and I could get up to alone. Now that her little boy was no longer a virgin.

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