Chapter 17.

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After a week of avoiding Lennon and getting the cold shoulder, Stu was relieved to be finishing his semester and finally have time off to relax. Especially since this began the next chapter to our relationship.

Christmas was nearing and I got a small bonus for working a few nights overtime. I was happy since I had some money to spare for a gift. Our first holiday together.

Moving was tiring and full of stress. This resulted in our very first arguement over a vase and how much money was being put away for a proper bed. We couldn't afford one so another matress was put on the floor until then.

While he was fixing up pipes under the sink, the broken window sill, and painting, I was off buying bedspreads and curtains. Rugs and candles. All from second hand shops.

The apartment was basically one big wide space. The only seperate room was the tiny bathroom. Kitchen, living room and bedroom all connected. One big window that overlooked the street. The brick walls gave the room an earthy scent. His art sprawled all over the place. His workspace was practically in the middle of the room. Jars of water and paint brushes on the floor. I almost tripped over them sometimes which resulted in more arguing. For two weeks we stopped having sex. It was all about tossing old things of ours out and replacing them with new stuff.

It was Christmas Eve and we were finally settled in, exhausted from our work and fights. He plugged in the television which was a new present from dad and sat on the matress. I walked over in my underwear, messy hair and loose white top, handing him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks love." He sighed, watching the news. I kneeled behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek. He smiled.

"We did it." I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Finally. Together." He set his cup down and turned around so our faces were inches apart. "You know, it's been awhile since I've touched that body of yours."

I giggled and layed back, watching him crawl over me. He was between my legs, trailing his fingers up my thighs.

"Feel good?" I teased.

"Very." He smiled, leaning down and moving his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and deepened the kiss.

"I want you so bad." I breathed as he moved his lips to my neck. He hummed and unbuttoned my top, squeezing my breasts. I managed to unbutton his jeans and pulled them down with my legs. I lifted my hips off the ground as he yanked down my underwear.

Our clothes soon all removed, leaving us naked and lusting for the other. I slid my hands down his back, pulling him closer as he entered. My body tingled in delight as he began thrusting into me roughly. My legs open, his body fitting into mine. Our moans and breathing turning each other on as we got closer to our release. He pinned my arms over my head and held them tight as he really picked up the pace. I threw my head back and gasped as I felt my orgasm take over. My head spinning, my breath quickening. His eyes shut as he groaned in pleasure as my body tensed up.

"Oh Molly fuck..." he breathed, thrusting slower as he came. I ran a hand through his hair and smiled as we both found release. He collapsed on top of me and buried his face in my neck. My arms around his back, making small circles with my nails on his skin.

"You're a fuckin dream." He chuckled.

"It's a shame we couldn't buy a tree." I trailed my fingers over his lips as he hovered over me.
"One of my paintings sold."

I smiled. "Yeah??"

"Why don't we take a shower, get dressed and do a little Christmas tree shopping?"

I squeeked happily and pecked his lips. "You're too good to me Sutcliffe."

It was nine in the evening as I happily put the red bulbs on the small tree set in the corner. Stuart messing with the tv, trying to get it to work.

"The weather is bad out baby. The reception is horrid." I stood back. Looking at my work. A smile of content.

"Bloody television. I'll just put on a record." He turned the tv off and walked across the room, sifting through the stack of records. The thick blanket around his body. I shivered, lighting a few candles to rid the smell of moisture from the brick walls. The snow wasn't helping any.

I jumped when my body was swallowed by Stu's arms and into his blanket or warmth. I giggled and gave him a small kiss. Blue Christmas by Elvis filling the room.

We made our way back to our hot chocolate and warm matress. Curled in each other's arms, we giggled and kissed.

"I love you so much Stuart. I know the move here has opened up our bad sides and we've had some arguements..."

"No relationship is perfect. We've learned more about each other. But right here in each other's arms is where we belong. You're so beautiful and...I can't imagine being with anyone else."

I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. "I love you."

"And I love you." He whispered, kissing me softly. I kissed back until he pulled away. "Look em, I know Christmas isn't until tomorrow but...I need to ask now."

He reached over into one of the nightstand drawers and pulled out a small blue box. I looked at it, then at him.


"Call me crazy or lovesick. But...I need to know now. I don't mean to put so much pressure and make you choose now. I just want you to know how serious I am for this relationship. We may be young but...who's to say we can't be serious?" He opened the box. My eyes widened to see a gold band with a small diamond inside. It must have cost his savings. It was beautiful. Small, but beautiful. Tears welling up in my eyes as I was overwhelmed.

"Stuart...nobody's ever treated me the way you do. Asking me to move in with you...defending my honor and treat me like a queen. I just....I sometimes think of what John told you and I feel as if I really don't deserve you." I let my tears fall.

Stu wiped them away and stroked the side of my face. He kissed my forehead.

"You deserve happiness. I may not be the richest bloke or the most outgoing. I spend most of my time on my art and being lonesome. But then you came along and brought colour into my eyes. John's just upset cause I've put off time with him to be with you."

"I've just never had someone love me so much. My life has changed these last few months. Now I sit here with you, knowing where I want to be. So..... Ask me." I smiled.

"Molly Winters...will you marry me?"

I giggled and felt more tears rushing. "Yes Stuart Sutcliffe. I'll marry you."

He smiled and pulled the ring out, sliding it on my finger. We kissed and fell back on the bed, giggling like school kids as we rolled around the rest of the evening.

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