Chapter 15.

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Two Days Later

"Are ye fuckin crazy??" I heard John say as Stu told John the news.

I dropped in at the college to visit Stuart in the cafeteria. I was on my way down the hall when I stopped around the corner to hear Stu tell John he asked me to move in with him. We were both excited to let the world know about our commitment. We just didn't think everyone would be so negative about it.

It all started with John.

"You just met Molly two months ago and now you're movin her in with you?? Fuckin christ Stuart you're hard up for her or what." He laughed sarcastically. I bit my lip and listened on.

"I love her John. She knows me and we both spend most of our time together anyways..."

"Fuck that shit mate! You know how serious it is to move a fuckin bird like her in?? Do you know who she was before you even met her??"

"She told me everything thank you very much Lennon. I know everything from her abusive relationships to her mum dying. To you shagging her behind Cynthia's back!"

They really sounded angry at this point. I felt bad for putting Stuart and his best friend against one another.

"She's no good for you Stuart. You've changed a lot because of her."

Stuart scoffed. "I don't need your permission from you to run my life. I love Molly. I'd think you being me best mate of all people would be happy I'm finally happy. You're just like the rest."

Then all was silent. I heard footsteps storming off seperate ways. Stu walking angrily passed me, pausing when he saw me approach.

"Molly heard all that?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry I've caused this."

He held me and rubbed my back. "It's not your fault love. It's fuckin Lennon."

I kissed his cheek and held his hand tightly. "You want to go back home?"

"Yeah. I can't even finish this day here."

We ended up going back to Stu's and just holding each other. My arms around him as we sat on the matress, watching tv. He sighed and put out his cigarette. My fingers playing with his hair.

"I feel sick."

I kissed the top of his head and turned his face so our eyes met. "It's just you and me Stuart. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. If people can't accept it then that's their problem. Whatever people say, always know I love you."
He smiled faintly and kissed my lips. "I love you too Moll. You understand me. I won't let you go."

I smiled and kissed him. We stayed like this until the phone rang. I pulled away and reached over, answering.


"Molly? It's Tiff. You coming in for work?"

I looked at Stu. He sighed and nodded for me to go on.

"Yeah I'll be there in an hour. Bye."

I hung up and shut my eyes. Who knew one person could really dampen the day? Fuckin Lennon. I knew despite all of this, they were still friends. And it hurt Stu that the only male friend he had was showing him no respect for his love life and cutting down his girl.

"I only work for five hours. You coming over for dinner?" I asked.

He nodded and picked at loose thread on the torn sheet. "You think your dad will be as angry?"

I sighed. "We'll just have to wait and see. I love you."

"I really need to hear that. Say it again."

I smiled. "I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."

He broke a smile and kissed my cheek. "I love you too."

Work went by faster than I hoped. Tiffany seemed to be the only excited one about me moving in with Stu.

"Where you two moving??" She squeeked as we had a cigarette out back.

"Stu still has yet to tell me."

She nodded and ran a hand through her hair. "I talked to Paul earlier they have a gig tonight. ....He mentioned how upset this made John. To be honest, Paul sounded rather happy about it."

"You still keep in touch with Paul?" I giggled. She blushed.

"Shut up were talking about you."

I laughed and flicked my cig. "I dunno I...John and his own girl are having a falling out. That could be playing a factor in his agression. But what he said about me really hurt my feelings.  He said I wasn't good enough for Stu." I looked down.

"Did Stu defend you?"

I smiled. "He did."

She giggled. "He's a keeper. You two are great together. He loves you, you love him."

"I wish that was enough to convince the world."
She walked over and grabbed my hand. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

"You coming for dinner?"

She nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't miss your father for the world!"

I made a face. "Ew gross. He's like half your age! Besides, you're a lesbian."

"Between your fathers looks and Paul's cock, I'm beginning to conform."

"So you do keep in touch with Paul." I smirked.

"Fuck off." She laughed.

Stu picked us up and drove us back to mine where we all piled out of the car and into my soon to be ex home.

"Now to tell dad." I mumbled. Stu held my hand.

"Slow steps." He whispered, kissing my cheek.

Dad and Sarah were in the kitchen, laughing and were happy when they saw us.

"Dinner is ready! Just in time you three!" Sarah smiled, grabbing plates from the top shelf. I noticed dad run over to help her. They smiled at one another. I sat beside Stu and squeezed his hand under the table.

"So mister Winters, I took in a lot of your knowledge from our little talk the other evening. It won me a contest for a free dinner.",

"Oh yeah?? Good for you Tiff! See Molly. Why can't you take interest in what I do like your friend here?" Dad sat down, Sarah following as she scooped some roast beef and potatos onto our plates.

"Oh how Geography and physics don't interest me I'll never know." I smiled sarcastically. Stu chuckled as dad laughed, shaking his head. "Well um, now that everyone it sitting and their plates are full, I'd like to make an anouncement."

"We have somewhat of an anouncement ourselves." Dad said, holding Sarah's hand. I swallowed and watched as she spoke. They were getting married. I knew it. The looks, the closeness. It was only a moment of time until....

"I'm pregnant!" Sarah smiled, resting a hand on her stomach. My mouth dropped open. Stu glancing awkwardly as Tiffany congratulated them happily.

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