Chapter 25.

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Stuart was right indeed. Things did get interesting and were extremely hectic. John moved in a few days before Tiffany. And when Tiff moved in, I knew things between her and John were going to get rocky.

July 2, 1959

"I'm so glad to have you here Tiff. I love Stu and John but....they stay up late and practice. They've gotten in the habit of bringing the guys over and being the only girl...ugh."

"I'm glad you're willing to settle me in. Don't worry, I'm not afraid to bop someone upside the head if they need fit." She flicked her cigarette and stomped on it. "You ready?"

I sighed. "Let's do this."

We headed back to the staircase and each grabbed a side of the matress and carried it up for three more floors. We banged ourselves, got scratched, bruised. All from a fuckin matress. I groaned as the door was locked.

"For fucks sake." I banged on the door. "John I know you're in there! Open!"

"Hold on!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my key and unlocked the door to see Cynthia and John having sex. She screamed and hid under the covers as John sat up, covering his waist.

"For fucks sake I told you to hold on!"

"And I told you Tiff was moving in today! Dammit John." I tossed the matress on the floor. "Hi Cyn." I smiled at her then returned my anger to John. "Look we need your help with boxes downstairs."

"Can I get dressed first? Or would you two not mind seein me in my birthday suit?" He winked.

"Let's go." I grabbed Tiff's arm and led her outside.

It was about three in the afternoon when Stu came home. He looked tired and almost walked back out the door when he saw John and Cyn cuddling on a chair and Tiffany sorting out her clothes. I ran over to him and pulled his arm to me.

"Oh no you don't. You promised you'd give this a chance."

"I'm off to shower, then work." Tiff smiled, walking over and kissing Stu's cheek. "Thanks again for the stay."

"Yeah." Stu sighed. She practically skipped off to the bathroom.

"You promised." I whispered, giving him a kiss. He hummed and kissed back, making me giggle as his grip tightened around my waist.

"Alright well, were off out. Gotta practice at Paul's. Remember the gig this weekend. Just work on that beat and chords I've been showin ye and you'll be fine." John patted Stu on the shoulder.


"Bye." I smiled as Cyn waved. Then they were gone. I played with Stu's hair as he grabbed a cigarette, lighting it.

"So, everyone will be gone for awhile. It'll just be you..." I kissed his neck. "And me." Another kiss. "And the bed."

"Mmmm. That sounds perfect. Had a long day work didn't sell." He pouted.

"Come on baby, I think you could use a break." I smiled, kissing his jawline. We began kissing until Tiff came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. She grabbed her clothes and dropped the towel, leaving her standing completely naked. Stu turning red and looking away. I laughed.

"Um, Tiff? There are others in the room if you need some reminding."

She looked at us and slipped on some underwear. "Oh I'm sorry! The bathroom is just so small it's hard to do anything in there.."

"It's alright Tiffany. I was just going out anyways." Stu got up and grabbed his keys. I watched as he kissed my cheek and walked out the door. Leaving me standing alone. I pouted and looked down.

"I'm so sorry if I was interrupting.."

"No it was just....he's just a little down cause his work isn't selling. He's been spending time learning bass he's not as focused on his art anymore. I want to let him know I'm here but....he runs off and doesn't come back until eight at night."

"Eight?? You don't think....?" She trailed off. I felt my stomach turn in nervousness.

"I don't know. I've thought about following him a few times but...I trust him. That's what couples do right?"

"Snooping around is also what couples do. Molly if he's going out all day and comes back in the late evenings...there's definitly something up."

"What do you think I should do?"

She finished getting dressed and grabber her purse. "Were following your husband."

AN: I'm back! Yay! :) lol

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