Chapter 61.

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I knew something was off between Stuart and Astrid about a month ago. Nothing too forward but something different. The way they talked and spent the nights downstairs in the living room talking about art began to bug me. Stu would sometimes come to bed around four in the morning, yet he'd still swaddle me in his arms and kiss the back of my neck before falling asleep. It wasn't a matter of him cheating that bothered me. It was more of the leaving me behind and excluding me from his mind that bothered me. I was his muse and his encouragement to be who he wanted. It just seemed lately Astrid has become his new friend that he shares his artistic elements with. It bothered the hell out of me. Especially since everything that's to come.

Stu, Astrid and I headed to the club where the others worked out a set list. It was nice seeing everyone get along.

"Heya." John stood up and kissed my cheek and smiled even more to see Astrid. "Ye came! Already wanting another shoot aye?" He nudged her side. She laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Oh John stop it."

"Oh um, you had a shoot with the guys." I asked a bit confusedly. Stu just glanced at us as Astrid spoke.

"It was just a small group photo is all. The band out for some fresh air and a chat." She smiled.

"I see." I said quietly.

"It was brilliant. Our Astrid here is a great photographer." Paul smiled. I nodded and looked down.

"Aye Molly look at this!" George waved me over to him as he sat alone looking at a magazine. I saw what he was looking at and smiled.

"It went through!"

"Don't look too bad now do I?" He joked. I giggled and nudged him.

"You always look great Georgie. Is this the latest?"

"Straight from Liverpool!" He showed me the cover. I blushed.

"They used my photo as the cover too!"

"You're famous!"

I laughed and shook my head. "Don't be silly Harrison. Glad to know someone appreciates my work."

"What d'ya mean?"

I sighed. "Nothing. You better join the guys before they throw a fit."

"Yeah. You coming to the party later?" He asked.


"Didn't they tell you already? John's 'avin a fuckin blow out tonight after the gig down at the club before for his birthday."

"Oh right." I lied. "Yeah I'll be there."

"Good. We can 'ave a dance maybe?" He stood up.

"I'd love that."

"Good. Well, I better get on." He kissed my cheek and headed to where the guys stood chatting. Stuart and Astrid talking and laughing while John told a story. Tiffany with Paul too busy in their own world. I still carried my bag and sighed, deciding to head off to the attic to drop things off and change.

When I entered the building, I was met with Klaus coming down the stairs with a box.

"Stuart not with you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"At the club."

"With Astrid?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed and shook his head, heading off to the front door.

"Klaus wha....what's going on?"

"Astrid didn't tell you?"

I laughed sarcastically and shook my head. "Everyone seems to be keeping me out of the loop lately."

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