Chapter 71.

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I had to admit, Stu and I were nervous as hell to be out again in the clubs we once began our relationship in. The night air smelled like smoke from the chimneys above and the sky was dreary with clouds and heavy rain. Stu and I arrived at the Cavern around eight-thirty where John asked us to meet him. It wasn't hard to find a sitter for Liam since Sarah and dad volunteered. We made sure though to let John know we could only stay an hour or two since we had plans to see Stu's dad in the morning.

I dressed in a skirt and longsleeved top while Stu wore his famous black pants and dark blue buttoned up shirt with my favorite black coat of his over. Our fingers linked as we sat and waited for John to arrive. To our dismay, he was twenty minutes late but showed with Cynthia, happy and estatic we came through.

"Almost didn't think you'd show!" John and Cyn sat across from us.

"It's nice to see you Cyn." I smiled at her. She giggled.

"I can definitely say the same to you! Glad to see some of us made it. Haven't seen you two in awhile. How's life in the states??"

I looked over at Stu and John who were already chatting up a storm like old times. It's like they completely forgot about us girls.

"It's great. Different is the only way I can put it." I smiled.

"I can imagine. So um..." She leaned in and whispered. "You and Stu had a baby??"

I laughed. "No need to whisper here Cyn. It's so loud it's hard to even think. But yeah. Stu and I had the little guy not too long ago."

"Aw I'll have to see him sometime! Hold the little one in my arms."

I lit a cigarette and offered her one. "We should have some girl time! I'm sure Stu would appreciate some time with the guys and maybe fit back into his group here up until we head back. We were telling John earlier that maybe he should come out to the busy city. I think you two would fit in just fine."

Cyn sighed and looked at John then at me. "Things haven't been quite...perfect. I mean nothing too damaging ye know I trust him but I just...he's always leavin here and there and off here at the Cavern with his mates. We hardly have affectionate time together. I love him I just wonder sometimes you know?"

I nodded and stood up. "You wanna talk outside?"

She nodded and joined me until John broke out of his chatting. "You two goin somewhere?"

"Just a talk." I smiled. "Don't worry I'll bring her back Lennon."

"Please do. My lovely Bardot doesn't need any other bloke warming her up tonight. She's all mine." He made her blush. Cyn giggled as I laughed and pulled her along with me out of the loud music and into the silent night.

The alley smelled of trash and earth. The rain stopped and the ground soaked. Cyn and I smoked away.

"I dunno how you do that." She spoke.

"Do what??"

She shrugged. "You just pull out that side of John that makes him playful again. I mean thats the first time he's said somethin like that to me in awhile."

I shrugged. "You just gotta be on his level. Or atleast act on his level. See John's one of those guys who like to tease and be a smartass about things. You gotta be playful back to him."

She giggled and took a drag from her cig. "John asked me to come to Hamburg with him this time. I can only guess he misses me on the tours or, he's really taking our relationship serious. Both aren't bad but, I'm hoping he sees me more than some doll he shags when he comes 'ome from a gig. I love him awfully alot...."

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