Chapter 70.

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"John did...?"

"Can I come in?"

I just nodded and shut the door as he looked around, then at Liam. I looked down at my wide awake cutie and sighed.

"My um, step mom has been taking care of this little guy for a week now. His parents are off in London due to some personal stuff. She didn't give details. I figured to give her and dad a break and since we're here for a visit, I'd take care of him until they get home from work."

John just nodded and sat on the sofa. "Where's Stu?"

"Sleeping. He needed some rest after the long flight."

"I'd think it'd be you who'd need rest." John just looked at me.

I shook my head and sat down. "No. I can manage on my own. So um John, why are you here?"

He fiddled with his hands and looked down at his shoes. "I wanted to see Stu. To settle things. I mean you two just up and left and I didn't know what to think. So much has happened..."

"You really hurt him John. You hurt us."

He stayed silent.

"John he was really broken up about what you said he didn't even want to say goodbye."

"Molly I..."

"I watched him breakdown John. I don't want to start anything and, I don't even care if you still hate me. Atleast be civil for him."

Liam made a cute noise, making John smile at him. Then he spoke to me.

"Molly I never hated you. I just can't realise why Stu would choose you over me. The band I mean. You just came along and that was it. We drifted apart and you did that."

I sighed. "He loves me John. That's all it is. And I love him. Without a doubt our love is real. Our first day together I knew that was it. Maybe one day you'll know what it's like to truly love someone and not care what others think. Maybe one day you'll realise the crazy things love makes you do. How much it opens your eyes."

John stayed silent and we both looked over to see Stu rubbing his eyes, sleepily walking downstairs and stopping in his tracks when he saw John.

"J..John what are ye..."

Before he could finish, John walked over and hugged his friend. I just watched and looked down at Liam as he began to fall asleep. Standing, I walked over and kissed Stu's cheek.

"I'm putting the little one to sleep. You two should do some cathing up. I'll stay out of your way."

"Wait Molly..." John stopped me before I could head up the stairs. I turned to him. "I really want to speak to both of you. Us three in particular have some unsaid things that...I think we finally need to say. Don't you think?" He met my eyes. I held his gaze for a few seconds before looking at Stu.

"Fine. Let me just um..." I nodded to Liam. John nodded as Stu gave a small smile to his baby boy before turning to John.

"Let's wait in the kitchen. I'll make us some tea."

Liam slept soundly as I fixed my hair and made my way downstairs, listening to the muffled sounds of voices. As I entered the room, I fixed Stu's hair and kissed the top of his head. He smiled and pulled me by the arm to sit in his lap. I giggled and pecked his lips.

"Not now baby. Let me make you two something to eat huh?" I stood up.

"Teas fine for now. C'mon Moll." John asked. I sat beside Stu and grabbed the sugar.

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