Chapter 32.

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Stuart and I laid under the sheets kissing passionately. Our heavy breathing and smacking lips must have been driving John crazy as he tried to sleep.

"Ye know I'm glad me mates libido is all in check now but it doesn't give you two a right to be gettin fuckin busy while I'm 'ere."

"Don't be a fuckin spoil Lennon. If ye want in then just ask." Stuart muttered, kissing my neck. I blinked at this as all was silent. Stu just pulled back a little and looked into my eyes with a sly grin. I just nodded slowly and sat up. I knew what to do next. My body found its way over to a still Lennon on his back. I climbed on top and kissed his jawline.

"You want this baby?" I asked seductively. I swiveled my hips, grinding against his body as he moaned gently. "You're a dirty boy Johnny boy." I teased.

"I dunno if I can..."

I just smiled and looked over as Stu watched on, biting his lip. With my index finger I motioned for him to come over. As the two men sat up and looked sexually frustrated, I giggled and unzipped my nightgown.

"This'll be our little secret."

And with that I blew out the final candle between our beds and began our night of fun.


I woke up that Christmas morning feeling great. My body between Stu's and John's. The thick blanket kept our bodies warm from the chilly morning. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair.

"Mmm get us a brew yeah love?" Stuart squeezed my hand sleepily.

"Two sugars." John added.

I smiled to myself and kissed the top of their heads, getting out of bed.

"merry Christmas to you too." I joked.

"mmhhmmm" they mumbled.

I opened the curtains and cleared up the fogged windows, lighting a few candles. I set the kettle on and had a shower. By the time I came out, Stu and John were sitting up and having their tea while chatting away.

"where you off to?" Stu asked when he saw me dressed.

"just down to pay the electric bill."

"where'd ye get money?"

"From your coat." I giggled. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "alright then. I miss telly about now."

"You and I both. I'll be back. Behave yourselves you two." I winked, leaving the room.


After I paid the bill, I used this as an excuse to do a little shopping for Stu and John since I had enough money left over. I headed into the local music shop and bought some records for our collection and a few for John. I also managed to find him some sheet music and a harmonica which I got beautifully gift wrapped. The Christmas street's were empty except for a few hurried last minute shoppers. As I passed a large shop, I saw a beautiful artist's desk that was mahogany and hand carved. It was a little over my budget but I knew he'd adore it. Stu's been speaking of wanting one lately. He would drop hints now and then.

I walked into the shop and looked around the many wooden furniture. As I walked over to the desk, I squeeked surprisingly as a small dog ran over to me happily. I smiled and kneeled down, putting his scruffy head.

"Hello there. Where d'you come from??"

"Collin get back here!" I heard someone yell. I stood up as a kid ran over and picked the dog up. "I'm sorry miss. He doesn't mean any harm."

He had to be thirteen at the most. His messy hair and cute smile made me melt. He was adorable and looked so innocent. He gave me a smile. I returned the favor.

"It's alright um.."


"Keith. So um, what are you doing in a place like this?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Me mums gettin us a new table for the kitchen."

"On Christmas?" I asked

"Its the only time we can afford it."

I didnt ask questions so I just nodded and looked around.

"The man's talking to mum. Shouldn't be too long." He assured.

"Alright. So Keith....Merry Christmas." I smiled.

"Thanks. You too! Mills music shop. You a musician??" He asked pointing to the bag in my hand. I shook my head.

"Oh no my friend is. I bought him a few things for the holiday. My husband used to be in his band but he's more of an artist."

"Husband?? How old are ye?"

"Nineteen." I laughed as he shook his head in disbelief.

"That's bollocks."

"He's a great guy!"

"He's lucky to be with a girl like you." He blushed. I smiled and pinched his cheek.

"Thanks. So Keith, you seem rather interested in the music scene. You play?"

"Not at the moment. I've been gettin into the drums though. Not playin just admiring the kits out on display in the shops. Mum doesn't like my high anxiety much. I go crazy sometimes but....playin somethin stable isn't satisfying. The drums would help me."

I watched him pet his puppy as he spoke. He was quite jittery and enthusiatic in our chat. I felt a little bad for him knowing he couldn't do what he wanted. I've never given advice but I figured the kid could used some.

"Look, just borrow a kit from a friend or start a band. There's a place for you in the world Keith. Put that energy to good use." I nudged him with my elbow. He smiled.

"Thanks um..."


"Molly." He echoed.

"Keith c'mon lets get goin!"

We both turned to see what I assumed was his mom walking to the door.

"I 'ave to go now. Nice chat Molly. Happy Holidays!" He ran to his mom.

"Same to you!" I yelled back, smiling to myself. As he left the building, he gave a wave from outside before disappearing around the corner.

"Can I help you miss?" The man asked. I just nodded and pointed to the desk.

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