Chapter 65.

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Stuart and I laid in bed all evening, naked and rolling around like the two lovers in Liverpool we used to be. Ignoring everyone and everything around us until someone had to barge into us making love.

I'd moan carelessly into the bedsheets as his mouth devoured every inch of my body. The heat our bodies produced was enough to make us sweat. His hands were perfectionists at pleasing me, making me often claw his skin until I drew blood. Stuart was always so sensual, tasting and making sure I was pleased before he was which of course, I made sure of. When it was my turn, I enjoyed his deep grunts and hair pulling as I sucked him nice and deep. He was always my little victim of tryin new things. My body was weak by the time I was done with him. Falling into his arms only for him to be ready for more, taking over.

It was around eight when we laid in each other's arms. Legs tangled, lips kissing and hands groping. I pulled back slowly, smiling like a lovesick teenager. He had the same smile as we looked at one another.


"Hi." He laughed. I giggled and brought him into another kiss. His hands always found their way to my breasts as mine moved into his hair.

"Mmmmnnnff. Oh Stuart I don't even remember the last time we did something like this."

"We definitely need to do more of this."

"Sex or lovemaking?"

"Lovemaking. Definitely lovemaking."

I smiled and connected our mouths again. "You know John's gonna kill you." I mumbled.

"He's gonna kill you too." He answered. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

I laughed. "And I'll protect you."

We chuckled at the thought and began another round until the door burst open. We jumped and I screamed, covering myself up as John burst through the door angrily.

"What the hell ye fuckin cunt!? You fuckin leave all day, don't show up to practice and fuckin chicken out to even come to me face to tell me you're not coming to play!? All for her!?" He pointed at me. I pouted as Stu put his jeans on and stood up.

"Oh so because I don't oblige to your fuckin rules I get a fuckin bollocking!? Fuck off John! I told you when we got 'ere what my plans were!"

"Yeah and you go on messing up my future!?" John shoved Stu.

"You're plans!? It's always about you John! Your band! Your future. Your fuckin life! We're supposed to be mates and you treat me like I'm a follower! I'm not your fuckin follower Lennon!" Stu pushed him back.

"What the fuck 'as she done to ye now!? You wont follow me but you'll follow that little bitch around who tugs you on a leash like a fuckin dog!?" John spat harshly. I couldn't help noticing Astrid in the hall, watching the entire scene. "You 'ad somethin goin on with Astrid and ye blew it for her!?" John pointed at me again. He shook his head and laughed sarcastically. "You better get a new hobby love. Stuart's not your property."

Stuart punched John across the face, causing a full on brawl on the floor. I put on a shirt and some underwear, stepping between the two guys and shoving John back away from Stuart. I must have looked rediculously short between two guys who were just bashing each other's face in. But I couldn't just sit around like a typical girl and watch my husband get hurt.

"Leave John." I warned.

"Yeah cause you call the shots now huh?? You two can go to hell. You're out of the band so you better get a new mate." John said before leaving out the door. Stu saw Astrid watch for a few seconds before following behind John.

The silence lingered as we made our way back onto the matress. I sat up, leaning back against the wall as Stu moved into my arms between my legs. I played with his hair as he held onto me.

"We can't stay here the night." He finally spoke. "Christ Molly I'm a fuckin terrible husband. I can't provide, I'm fuckin on pills and in loss of any mates."

"You're a wonderful husband Stuart. You may not be the richest man but, I wouldn't have it any other way. You're a wonderful artist, a poet, amazing in bed." I smiled. "You're everything I need."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it, making me giggle.

"Us Sutcliffe's aren't very successful in the financial area."

I kissed the top of his head. "I still love you."

"I love you too. We better get a move on before we end up thrown out by Lennon." He sat up. I hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulder.

"I think I know somewhere we can bunk." I smiled.

"Molly! What brings you by??" Richard asked as I knocked on their room door. I noticed a girl calling out for him in the room.

"Ritchie come on back please??"

"Hold on a second!" He yelled before turning back to us. "What's gotten you two here? I see no more problems." He smiled.

"A lot has happened since we last talked Richard. Right now we just need a place to stay." I held up our luggage.

"I see. What about your group?"

"No longer in the band mate. It was either them or her. Obviously...." Stu chuckled. I smiled and held his hand.

"Love over rock n roll huh? Come on, I think we 'ave a room down the hall that's available. Another band was supposed to come down and take the ticket for awhile to let us saps rest but they fuckin bailed last minute so, here ye are." He opened the door. It was larger than I expected. Of course it was supposed to hold up more than two people. It was definitely better than the room the Beatles were in. Rory Storm definitely had its perks.

"Thank you so much Richard." I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah thanks mate. This really is a help and I appreciate it." Stu shook Richards hand.

"You're welcome! Besides, Molly's our photographer. She's a part of us and we look after one another." Richard winked. I giggled and we said our goodnights, heading into our new sanctuary.

"Nice bloke." Stu said, setting his suitcase down.

"He's a great guy." I said taking my coat off.

"So you two spoke recently??"

I nodded and sat on the squeaky bed. "Yeah. Last night actually."

"Is that where you were after..."

"Yes. I just needed someone to vent to. He um, knew about my pregnancy. About everything. The last thing he told me was that, we needed to have a talk. That's when I realized that, our problems are our problems Stuart. What happens with us stays between us okay?"

"I agree Molly. I love you yet I've caused you so much pain I just...I dunno why you stay." He sighed.

I stood up and hugged him at the waist. His arms moved around me.

"Cause your mine. I wanted you and only you baby." I smiled. He laughed and looked down at me. I leaned up and kissed him.

"We finally 'ave a bed." He mumbled. I moaned as we kissed and fell back on the noisy cushion.

"Were such traitors." I giggled.

"Lennon left us no choice. Besides, it feels good bein bad." He smirked before pulling off his shirt.

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