Chapter 68.

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Two months seemed to fly by like a beeeze. The snow faded and the weather warmed. Stuart grew more attached to his art and found his way back into his old routines. The excitement of us being a loving couple was on track again.

It was a week into February when I popped and Stuart found himself a wreck, driving me to the hospital. The nurses all wheeled me to a room where Stuart was banned during my whole session. I had to admit, I wish he could've held my hand while I pushed with every muscle in me. My legs sprawled open as the doctor urged me to keep pushing.

"Almost! Just once more!" The doctor urged. The nurse patting the sweat off my forehead as I gave another, screaming at how much force I had to give. Then just like that, the cries allowed me to relax.

"Awe it's a boy! A baby boy for the lovely mother." The nurse whisked him off and wrapped him in a blanket before placing him in my arms.

It's funny how a girl is never prepared for this moment. It's completely different when you're expecting and carrying a baby without it gazing back at you. But when it's in your arms, crying and rubbing his little eyes, you realize what it's really about. No pain, no tired breathing, just the little child in a mother's arms given life.

I smiled and kissed his head. "You're so beautiful. My beautiful baby. Can my husband come in now??"

"Yes he can. We'll get him in." The nurse headed out. I sat, waiting and smiled to see Stuart walk in slowly. Hands in pockets and nervous as hell.

"Ready to meet your baby boy?" I asked. Stuart raised his eyebrows.

"A b..boy?? We have a son." He smiled. I nodded and watched Stu sit beside me, looking down at our little one. His cries calmed into small whimpers, then he was silent, observing the world around him. Stu laughed and slowly took him in his arms.

"Hiya. I'm your daddy." He spoke quietly. "I have lots of plans for you."

I laid back and felt exhausted. My body felt weak as the doctor gave me a pill for the pain.

"Liam. His name is Liam." Stu smiled.

"From your dream." I whispered.


"Nothing " I laughed. "Liam Sutcliffe. Not bad."

"It's brilliant. Molly I...I want him to meet our family. My dad would love to meet his grandson and well, I'm sure your parents would love to meet their grandchild as well. We need to welcome Liam into the world the way it should be. We can take a trip after a week or two of settling at ours and when Liam 'eres ready to travel, we can head off for a weekend."

I smiled and reached for Stu's hand. "That sounds great baby. But for now, I need some rest."

"You've done a great job Molly. I love you and our little boy. He's beautiful like you."

"Awe Stuart." I blushed as he kissed me.

It felt different leaving the hospital as a mother. Stuart now a father. We were two different people than we were before. Stuart's car rumbled as we tried leaving the hospital. Liam making noises beside me as I sat with him in the backseat. Stu cursing to himself as he tried over and over again. I giggled and kissed Liam's cheek.

"Watch Mommy work." I leaned up and turned the key, getting a look from Stu as it started.

"Alright, mum may be able to start a car but daddy can fix one."

"Sure Sutcliffe." I giggled.

We headed to our building where we were met with an excited Meg and Tony. I was grateful to be home where we were comfortable. Liam sleeping as Meg held him in her arms.

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