Chapter 9.

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Tiffany and I sat in the waiting room as George was in the room with his mom.

"I hope everything's alright. She's always been so good to me...she's like my second mom you know?" I looked down at my feet and wiped tear from my eye.

"I'm sure she's just fine Moll. Think positive thoughts." She held my hand. I looked at her and nodded.

"I hope you're right."

We sat silently until we saw George walk into the room, sigh heavily and sit between us.

"So??" I asked, sitting up attentively.

"She's alright. Just had a minor attack. Has to spend the night. Dad was a bit shaken up but he's alright now. She wants to see you."

I nodded and kissed his cheek, squeezing his hand. "I'll be right back."

He nodded and watched me leave. I entered the room and smiled as she laid on the bed.

"It's so lovely to see you here. I thought George would come alone but...he said you were out waiting. I had to see you." She sat up. I sat in the small chair beside her bed and reached for her hand.

"I'm so glad you're alright. George was so scared and we raced here as fast as we could."

"Who brought you?"

"A friend of mine."

She looked at me. "Not that Peter fellow..."

"Oh no! Believe me we...we split. I made a friend at work. Her name is Tiffany."

She smiled. "It's nice to hear you made a female friend. You seem happier. Your eyes are bright."

I blushed and rubbed the back of her hand. "I am. Enough about me though. What happened??"

She sighed and shook her head. "Your father called. He mentioned you haven't called him back. He was wondering if you were alright. I mentioned you began working. He figured you were too busy. You really should talk to him love."

I bit my lip. "I know. I just...I love dad. He's just so serious."

"He's your father. He loves you and even if you don't know it, you're hurting him. He just wants to be that family again."

"I don't know if I can. When George told me about you being in the hospital...I assumed the worst. I couldn't lose another mom."

She smiled and stroked the side of my face. "You're such a sweetheart. I love you Molly. You've been like another daughter to me. Especially after your mother passed. You and George have spent most of your teenage years together. I can see he looks up to you."

"He does?"

"Oh yeah. Before your mum passed, you were always so cheery and forward. You would speak your mind, tease him and drag him to the record store with his brother Peter. Remember?"

I giggled. "I miss those days. I want things to be like that again. I want to make things better."

"Then do it Molly. George um...he mentioned you and his friend John are getting quite friendly. I always thought he was a cutie." She giggled. I laughed.

"He is cute. Were just friends though. For the first time yesterday I got a look at his band. Looks like you raised a future Elvis." I teased. She smiled.

"My Georgie sure loves that guitar. Can I ask something?"

I nodded.

"Take care of him. Please? I know he says he can take care of himself and he has his mates. But, men underestimate a womans scorn."

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