Chapter 44.

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As the days scurried along, George and I grew more and more closer. His bed, our sanctuary for our pleasure.

While Stuart worked out the deal with his friend to hire me and get me to still go along with them to Hamburg, I was beginning to enjoy evening sex with George. I began to understand why I spent my many weekend nights at gigs for a one nighter. Thankfully George was my new specimen and he was all mine.

July 4, 1960

I gave out a heavy sigh, slowing down until I came to a stop. George's tired boy underneath mine in complete bliss. I looked down at him and giggled.

"My god Moll. I dunno how you can be hungry for more every night." He breathed.

"You enjoy it don't you?"

"Fuckin hell yes." He smiled, bringing me down for a kiss.


"George I need your laundry for the wash!" Missus Harrison called. Her heavy footsteps gave us the warning she was coming up. We panicked and hurriedly gathered our clothes on. I pulled on some undies and hid in his closet while George hid all evidence of my being.

"George I told you..." I heard a faint voice. I backed up until my back hit the wall.

"I know mum. Here you are."

"Good. Also remind me to get you the passport papers in the mornin. Your father's goin to be busy so I'll need to take the car early."


It was silent.

"George you really need to clean this room. And open a window it's stuffy!"

"Okay mum. Go on." He whined. Then I heard the door shut and all was clear. I walked out of the closet and we let out a sigh of relief.

"It's getting harder and harder to sneak around George." I grabbed my shirt from under his bed.

"I know. That was too close. I just don't want us to end what we 'ave goin on 'ere."

I smiled and pinched his cheek. "You're adorable George. We wont I promise. It feels good to get some relief." I pulled my jeans on. He sat back and watched me fix my hair. After I finished I grabbed my camera and snapped a photo of him. He laughed.

"I look like a pile of shite. Don't bother with me."

I crawled over to him and gave him a long kiss. "I can't help it George. You're irresistable."

He smiled. I sat beside him and looked at the clock.

"What d'you want to do now?"

He shrugged. "Talk?"

"Okay Georgie. Let's talk. What's been on your mind lately?"

"Not much. Just the usual."


He stayed silent for a few seconds. "I just want to know if this is all we'll be doin. I mean don't get me wrong the sex is great. Well not great. Phenomonal is more like it. But we've been spendin our time just doin it and no talking or joking around like we used to."

"I thought this is what you wanted George."

"What I want is to be" he trailed off after he realised what he just said. I sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"George what we share is special to me. It means a lot to me knowing you care and you're a dear friend. We've been together for years now. But I have to lay it out in the open."

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