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The hospital lights flickered and Seokjin shooked his head.

"Aish why is this broken again .Soobin-ah get in here"

"What is it doc?"
The latter frowns as he stoods in front of him

"Look at this light bulb now.If this keeps flickering like that,the patient in room 310 will complain again.Get Nayeon and tell her to call the security.I am going home early today.Make sure this is fixed before morning"

Soobin bowed and ran towards the reception where Nayeon was looking through her glasses at the register .

"Noona ,the lights in the hallway needs a fixing"

The receptionist looked up from the register and chuckled.

"Seokjin sent you ,didn't he? Aish that man.I sometimes wonder who runs this hospital.Kihyun or him .I will sent in the guard and he will take a look at it"

Soobin nods going back to arrange the medicines in the store room.

Seokjin walked out of the hospital with a sling on his shoulder , stopping in his tracks when he felt a presence .

He begin to walk a little faster and he could feel someone following him with the same speed.

His heartbeat raced as he clutched to the bag and took long strides ,mind rushing with all the negative thoughts .His pace increased with every stride he took.

It was when he was at the corner of his house that he breathed in relief, taking normal steps towards the house and  jumped when someone came in front of him out of nowhere.

He lets out a gasp and stepped back but then he glared when he recognized who it was.

"Get out of my way "


Seokjin didn't stop,he was late and he have no interest in talking to a gangster .

He was almost at the gate of his house when he felt a grip on his wrist

"Let go now" He fumed
"I dont want to see your face .Why are you here? Go away before she sees you "

Seokjin looked up at the house to find the lights still on.

She must be waiting.

"Hyungie please,just listen to me once.I promise I won't show my face to you ever ,but just once please,please hear me "

There was so much softness and desperation in the latter's voice that Jin couldn't help but turn around and sigh.

He really can't stay mad at his brother.

"5 minutes, you have 5 minutes to explain"

He warns ,taking a seat on the bench in front of their house

Yoongi started again only to be interrupted.

"What! Yoongi do you have any idea how scared and shocked I was when I saw you there? What the hell do you think are you doing hanging out with criminals! What is wrong with you !How could you...how could you become someone like that....someone like him"

Jin didnt know when he began to panic 

Yoongi quickly grabs his hands to calm him down.

"I will tell you everything ,but you have to stay calm and believe me .Hyung we are not bad people-"

"We? Collective? We ? You have gone crazy.I dont know what possessed you to follow this dangerous path"

He got up from the bench but Yoongi hold him back,saying
"I am doing this for you"

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