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Namjoon returned back to his apartment ,went straight to his refrigerator, opened it...took out a mineral water bottle, twisted the cap and gulped the entire bottle in one go.
He eyes the rest of the bottles and contemplates.Nahh..he dont want to run to the  bathroom all night.He patted his chest once ..twice .

"Its beating normal now...good...I was scared back there a little"

He shooked his head to delete the data his enormous Brain had saved without his permission. Beautiful chocolate brown eyes...*thud*...honey soft voice *thud* rosy cheeks * thud thud thud* plush pink lips *thud ×infinity* .

"No no no...what's this feeling....get a grip namjoon..you can't get distracted....forget it...stop this...its not what you want right now...."

He closed his eyes resting his arms on the refrigerator door when he felt eyes on him .
He turned in a flash grabbing the gun from the holster and pointed it to the lurking eyes only to sigh.

"You have a nerve getting in here at this hour .."
He put the gun back in the kitchen drawer (umm Namjoon ? )

Jimin and Jungkook who were standing with raised hands grinned and lowered their hands .

Namjoon let out  a scowl.He should ban the members from entering his apartment.

"Why are you panting hard boss? Oohh what's with the flustered expression?"

Jimin whistled teasingly. Namjoons scowl deepened.

"Boss...are you in love ? "
Jimin and Namjoon whipped their head at Jungkook .Jimin wanted to beat Jungkook right this instant.How can he make out what Namjoon is feeling but can't see what he feels about the latter !

Namjoon was just blinking at Jungkook.Love ?he is ? With whom?

The one whom you just gave your favorite jacket Namjoon.

"Aish boss ..don't be shy now...you were caught red handed...ugh...Seagul why didn't you remind me to take a picture...we could have used it."

Namjoon folded his arms over his chest and scowled again.

"What are you two doing here? And what are you talking about ? What happened in Incheon? Seagul where is Suga ? "

Jimin rolled his eyes.Ofcourse his boss won't tell anything ..but they saw...their boss was smiling and he was with a man.Jimin had never even saw Namjoon talk to any man that wasn't a gang member .

"Suga,he went somewhere..  he got a call.. don't know the details but looked personal...and about Incheon ...boss..we have a problem "

Jungkook went back to the events that happened and told Namjoon everything.

And with every word Namjoon was shaking with anger.

"And why was I not told about it ? Are you hurt ?is Suga okay? Why did you not take more men?.."

Namjoon walked closer analyzing Jungkook from head to toe...huh...he looks fine.

"We called ...you didn't picked up...V said you got off at Yongsan..so we came to fetch you after a while...and "

Jimin pursed his lips...they did came here to tease Namjoon but instead Namjoon got mad again.Namjoon always gets mad now...ever since their men were killed and they still have no idea who was behind it...Namjoons anger was right but Namjoon was out there alone..with a stranger...it was more suspicious and dangerous too....who was that man...what if he is sent by the rival gang to seduce their boss...Jimin shooked his head...Their boss isn't stupid to fall victim to that .

Namjoon softened a bit.Jimin and Jungkook are the youngest and the most trusted members of his gang.And he treats them as his little brothers...but that doesn't mean he will let them risk everything ...why will they come here now ?

Silent Voice  ᪥ A Namjin AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now