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Namjoon was standing pressed to his car with his arm folded and a cigarette between his fingers he will occasionally take a puff from,waiting for Jungkook.

He wasn't wearing a mask.He don't need one.Being a mafia boss has its own disadvantages but that doesn't mean he wears it every where.And if it's his own area..who will dare touch him.

He smiled at the passing Uni students carrying many dreams in their hearts.He remembers when he was one of them too.

A normal college going guy with good grades and high dreams.Until one day it all seemed futile...until one day his universe crashed and the only dream left was revenge .

Namjoon took another puff from his cigarette and watched the smoke disappearing in front of him until he choked. Because someone was standing in front of him...someone he was trying to stay away from for a month !

"Smoking is injurious to health Namjoonssi "

Namjoon was coughing vigorously and Seokjin just stepped away.

"See...told ya..."

Namjoon recovered from his initial shock as well as the coughing marathon and composed himself. Okay.No use running now.He saw you.

"Seokjin-ssi...what are you doing here? "

Seokjin tilted his head and reverted the question back.
"Same can be asked for you too"

Namjoon threw the cigar down and straightened.

"I am waiting for someone.."

Seokjin's smile dropped.Oh.

Namjoon didn't miss the change in Seokjins expression and his heart did that wierd thing again.

"What about you ? "

"Same "

"Boyfriend? Girlfriend? "
Seokjin dared .He knows he shouldn't be asking this to someone he met only thrice but he cant help it.

Namjoon smiled looking at him
"What if I say boyfriend? "

Seokjin smirked.
"Then I would be walking away "

"And if I say it's just my friend who is like a little brother to me then ? "
Namjoon turned around looking straight into Jin's eyes.

All the shit he gave himself about staying away from Jin was thrown away the second Jins smile dropped.Namjoon was sure what he is feeling is definitely reciprocated.

And he dont want to stay away anymore...he tried okay...and he failed epicly.

"Then ...I will like to have your number..."

Seokjin was determined. He was not sure what he was feeling at first ...but a month and no sight of Namjoon made him realize that what he feels about the latter...

"Only if you agree to have a coffee with me .."

What are you doing Namjoon ?
Don't drag him in your life..

"Are you asking me on a date Namjoonssi?"

"Just Namjoon.I think we are pretty familiar to each other now."

"You are.. not me...I don't even know what you do "

Namjoon shifts.He wanted to tell the truth but not now...maybe later..

"I own a transport business "
It wasn't a complete lie.He does own a transport business.He can't just walk in Seoul just as a mafia boss .

Everyone in the gang has a front.

Silent Voice  ᪥ A Namjin AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now