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Seokjin woke up with a gasp ,his eyes widening as he took in his surroundings. There was no fire ,nothing was burnt and he felt something soft beneath him.It was the bed.How did he came here?

He looked down at himself and he wasn't wearing what he remembered. Panic surged in as he stood up on his feet ,immediately dropping down with a thud.

He heard Footsteps approaching him and he cowered back to the edge .He was so confused.He was supposed to be dead right ? What kind of joke is this then?

"Hey you are awake "
A husky voice called and Seokjin snapped his head to look at the person.Tears welled up in his eyes as he saw who was standing in front of him.

"Officer Kim" His wobbly voice greeted the smiling figure as he watched him coming closer.

"Your ankles were injured, you shouldn't try to walk now.And yes that's me"
Byeongchul said ,as he helped Jin back on the bed.

Seokjin immediately grabbed his hands asking "My Mom ,where is she ?"

If he was saved his mom must be too right? He knows she is dead but he still can't leave her there .The officer must have took her out too.

Byeongchul pursed his lips as he said "She ,I was too late son ..I had only time to take you out and she was "

Seokjin quivered "Already dead ,I know."

He dropped his head.The fire was too wild ,it's already a miracle that he was saved. How can he expect the officer to save them both.

Byeongchul sighed as he went to the nightstand and poured a glass for Jin.

"I am sorry ,I left her there.I tried to go back but -"

Seokjin shooked his head, wiping his tears.

"No .I understand"

He felt a finger under his chin and he looked up to see the officer looking at him in question

"Why didn't you tried to get out? "

"I had to save Eunkyung first.Then there was no time for me ,and "
He stopped then ,eyes widening as he shuffled back.

Byeongchul was alarmed too.what happened suddenly?

"Eunkyung, I need to go ...she must be scared.I told her I will be there."
He got up again but the officer made him sit back,his grip tight on his arms .

"You can't go there now.Unless you want to die "
The officer took a breathe sighing.See he isn't very good with talk.Another reason ,him and Namjoon get in frequent arguments.

"I know who you are "
Panic was quick to fill Seokjin as he looked with fearful eyes .

"Dont be scared .It's not your fault your father is a gangster.I didn't meant it that way."
Seokjin relaxed a little,fear still visible .

Silent Voice  ᪥ A Namjin AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now