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"Yes oppa ,I am home right now."

'Then why am I hearing car honks?'

"I am watching TV?"
Eunkyung bit her lips as she jumped around as if the cars will stop honking so she could lie to her brother peacefully.

'Oh okay.I will be home in 20 okay ,bye '

Eunkyung cut the call and oh dear she was so screwed.Because she wasn't home like she was supposed to be .She had went out with her friends to watch a movie and now she is late to home.Its not really late.Its 9 but her brother will have a panic attack if he knows she isn't home at this hour.

"Omo what do I do now !"
She looked around helplessly on the sidewalk .She was trying to catch a taxi but none was to be found.Also now she wasn't sure if she hails a cab she will reach home before Jin.

"Shit shit shit .Think Eunkyung think "
She looked around and spotted a Jeep.A police Jeep .

"These things have that siren don't they ?And it's pretty safe too.A police jeep .If I manage to convince them that I need to go home urgently they will help me right?"

She thought for a while and she came to a conclusion that they might not.What will she say ? Hello Officers my brother will have a panic attack if I don't go home before he reaches there.And I wasnt even supposed to be out right now so I am basically lying to him saying I was home.Ugh.No .Think harder!

And then her genius brain got a brilliant idea and she smirked evilly.

"Sorry Oppa...but you need to have an asthma attack and like right now "
She had thought what she will do .Now she just have to convince them to drop her home.Police cars have free pass even in traffic so she will definitely reach home soon.And taking in how slow Jin drives he aint coming any where before 9:30 !

She skipped in her step,eyeing the two officers standing pressed to the car and oh they were having a tea break it seemed.

She messed her hairs a little ,took out some water from her bottle ,sprinkling it on her face and puts in the most panicked look on her face and contemplated from how far she should start running to pant heavily.She decided to start just from where she was currently standing.

"Bangtan is currently making their way in the nearby areas .Looks like we have one more gang to take care of"
Rowoon said while he sipped on his tea ,his junior standing next to him pressed to the jeep.They were on night duty and had stopped for a quick tea break.

"They are flourishing faster don't you think"
Rowoon says again and his junior just nodded.He looked pretty lost.

"Officer Kim ? Are you zoning out on duty? "
He asked again and Joohyuk startled bowing slightly ,looking sheepishly at his senior.

"No sir.Um yes you are right.One more gang to take care of now "
He shakes his head gulping the hot beverage .

They were done with their tea and decided to end their break when a girl came running towards them.
Joohyuk was pretty alarmed.She looked troubled.

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