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Seokjin walked into the alley way ,changing lanes and stopped in front of a shop and frowned.It was 10 am .Why is the bakery isn't opened yet ? Is it Sunday today ? Seokjin raced his feet as he walked one more block and frowned again when he saw there was a lock on the door.A on Sale board was what shocked him the most.

"Where did they go? "
Seokjin spoke to himself, his heartbeat hammering as he looked around.
Asking in the neighboring house he got to know that Yoongi and his family had left to their hometown.Forever.

"They must have taken Eunkyung too right ?"
Seokjin asked himself. He had told her to run as fast as to Yoongi's. She must have right ? Seokjin doesn't know.But he knows where is Yoongi's hometown.He have to just find a ride to go there.He dugged in his pockets to find few bills .
"These would be enough "

He nods walking towards the train station.Hailing a cab will cost him money which he currently don't have.He can't go to banks to get it either.He is dead.

Tired and exhausted he reached the station ,asking for the first train to Daegu and was relieved to know ,one will board in few minutes.

He was soon on the train ,at the window seat .Resting his head on the window sill,he watched the trees passing.
Memories of past week flooding his brain as he began to cry again.

"I should not have told you " He muttered again.It's been his chanting mantra for three days now.

He was going to see his friend and sister after one whole week.He wasnt going to.
They all think he is dead.He had intended to let them think that too.But now he is alone .And scared.

He don't know where to go either.His parents are dead. The only person who he wanted to stay with, he too is gone now.And he is missing his sister.He knows she must be so confused and in agony.

But he won't tell them where he was.He can't.The guilt ,it's killing him.He don't want them to look at him with hateful eyes.He knows they won't.But what if they do ? What if Eunkyung had heard everything? What if Yoongi helds him responsible for killing the officer ? All these questions only add up his fear and he decided that he would never tell them.No one should know.He will live with that guilt forever.

The train soon halted and Seokjin snapped his head around.Stepping out he walked towards the only road he could see .

He know he can't just walk all the way.He had went to Yoongi's hometown once .Racking his brain he remembered which bus to take again.He just hopes he will find Yoongi there.And he hopes Eunkyung is with him He dont know what he will do if she isn't .

Yoongi sighed as he rested his head on the door.

"Eunkyung please open the door"

"Bring him back !"
She yelled from inside and Yoongi crumbled again

"Leave her alone for a while"
His father's voice made him look up.

Silent Voice  ᪥ A Namjin AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now