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Seokjin let out a cry as the knife pierced right through the shoulder of his mother, as she left a blood curling scream.

"Wrong answer Seokjin,I will ask you again ..who do you love the most ? "

Seokjin whimpered as he struggled to free himself from the restrains but to no avail.The rope was only digging more into his hands ,bruising his skin.

"Let us go.Y-you can kill him ,I don't care .Let my mom go !"
He yelled and the leader tsked

"Ssshh .Did I say you can talk?I will ask you one more time "
He spoke as he traced the knife along the neck and Seokjin panicked as he saw blood dripping through the cut.

Seokjin banged his head at the wall behind.The leader keep asking him questions and then if he tries to say something ,he starts killing his mom.But if he dont say anything he does it anyway.
"I am not lying! "

The leader sighed getting up ,ducking down to meet his eyes.

"You don't love any of them.If that was the case you would have chose both when I asked you ,instead you kept clinging to your mother.The mother who will die soon anyway "
He stated.

Seokjin gulped as his eyes flickered to his room.

"Tell me seokjin .What if I kill your mom and dad and let you go .Will you like it ?"

Seokjin winced as the knife digged in his shoulder blade ,cutting deep ,the cold metal sending shivers down his spine.He have to escape .It's getting late.He don't know how long the leader will play games with him .Eunkyung will soon begin to suffocate.

His eyes fall on his father who was not moving but he knows he is alive.The saw didn't went all the way.He might need immediate attention though.Seokjin don't know if he will survive.

"Your father betrayed me....stole from me..a very hefty amount...I could have gone bankrupt you see...but he was stupid if he thought I wouldnt know...and then he tried to run away"

Seokjin snapped his head at Jong-Il .He was going to do what ?

"With you and your mother "
He completed and Seokjin felt another wave of shock.His father was going to run away ? Why ?

The leader went back to his mother and Seokjin struggled as he saw the knife back at her throat.

"And all this because of this woman here ..the woman  who will die anyway "
The knife went back in and Seokjin screamed .

"Ssssh...don't scream.If you do that this will go in "
Seokjin shut up instantly as he saw the knife piercing in.

"Good boy.Now tell me who do you love the most Seokjin ? "

He pointed the knife to his dad and then to his mother.This game had been going for a while now.And honestly all Seokjin could think right now is about Eunkyung. The sister who is completely unknown to whatever is going on .Seokjin looked at his mom and then to his dad.

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