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Pale fingers glided effortlessly over the keys resulting into a melodious tune,and Seokjin was tranced in the rhythmic affair.

With his face pressed on the bench he watched his friend moving along the music ,his soft voice as he hummed the song,one of Seokjin's favorite.

Yoongi groaned as he hit a wrong key ,abruptly hitting the music player shut ,stopping all together.

Seokjin whined from his place
"Hey! Why did you stopped, you were about to play my favorite part"
He said lifting his head from the bench

Yoongi tilts his head
"I missed a note ,didn't you noticed hyung?How can I continue to play ?"

Seokjin shooked his head getting up, approaching the younger

"So what ? Doesn't mean you will stop playing altogether. And I was so immersed I didn't even noticed!"

Yoongi chuckled.
"You have zero knowledge about it hyung so you didn't noticed ,but when I will play this in front of an audience of hunderd who does have an understanding of it ,they will laugh"

Seokjin sighed.Yoongi is participating in their annual music festival and he is not very confident about his music.

"Yaa yaa get off me ,hyung "
Seokjin wrapped him in a hug and was basically squishing him over the stool and he was holding the piano tight ,in order to not fall .

"Yoongi-ah you will do great. I am sure of it.You are the best ,just have a little confidence now will you ? "
He boosts still hugging and Yoongi could feel his heartbeat race.The proximity wasn't very comforting to him.

"You are crushing me under your gigantic shoulders so get off please !"
Seokjin laughed pulling away.He is very well aware of the latter's hatred towards skinship.

Yoongi was all pink now.
The last bell rang and they both groaned.

"Time to go home"
Seokjin sighs going back to the bench ,picking up his and Yoongi's bagpack.

Yoongi begrudgingly got off his stool marching to the door of the music room.
Seokjin following closely and he handed the latter his bag.

They walked along the corridors of the school when few students whistled and Yoongi glared holding Seokjin's hands tight in his.The schools bullies.

"Let them be Yoongi-ah ,you know they can't do anything other than being total idiots"

Yoongi was still glaring at the bunch of boys who were standing in the corridor. He wanted to go beat each one of them.

"Hyung let me just go and punch their faces .I will see how they whistle then "

Seokjin's eyes widened and he walked faster dragging Yoongi along with him.He doesn't like violence .And he is the school's prefect.He knows just the trick to handle those boys.

"You don't have to okay.Yoongi-ah don't get yourself worked up for such people.They are not worth it"

Yoongi sighed slowly escaping the latter's hold.

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