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"It's not even that deep"

"Will you shut up and let me do my work ?"

"You are overreacting now "

Eunkyung glared.Seokjin had got a huge cut on his forehead and it was bleeding back there .She doesn't understand how did he even managed to get that !

Seokjin hissed when she put some more medicine on his cut and he whined.

"Thank God you didn't took medical science, you would have killed your patients aah"

Seokjin yelped when she slapped a cotton swab over his forehead.

"I dont even understand where did you got it !"

She spoked sifting through the first aid kit .

"I fell taking you remember? I think the corner of that- yaaa"
Eunkyung pressed a huge white bandaid and he yelped again.

He frowned when she proceed to cut a white Ribbon .

"Now what are you doing ?"

"I need to put this around your head "
Seokjin facepalmed.
"You don't have to ,I am pretty sure the bandaid is enough "

She looked at him and squinted
"You sure?"

Seokjin sighed taking her hands
"I am a doctor, I know and you don't have to get worried over a simple scar..Well I dont think it will leave a scar either.I just hit the corner of the aisle."

"Hyung ! "
Yoongi barged into the room and gasped when he saw a huge bandage courtesy of Eunkyung.

"Oppa ! "
Eunkyung left Seokjin and ran to Yoongi who scanned her from head to toe and sighed in relief.

"You are fine"
Yoongi had got a call from Eunkyung telling about how they encountered a gang member and he had left everything and came running.He also knows that Bangtan was one of the gang there and he prepared for an outburst.

He walked closer to Jin who was now putting back everything and got up from the chair .

"Hyung ..."

Seokjin looked up to see a worry laced Yoongi and he sighed.He knows it isn't really Yoongi's fault. Well it would have been a disaster if Yoongi was there instead of Taehyung .What will they had done if Eunkyung had seen him .

"Its just a scratch...she patched me like I was hit by a truck or something "
He patted his shoulder and walked past to the kitchen.

Yoongi trailed behind.

Seokjin gulped down the water and turned.
"What? "

Yoongi pursed his lips.He don't know what to say.He wasn't there and he knows that Seokjin is aware of all the gang rivalry so it's not like he will be accusing him for whatever happened.

Seokjin sighed.
"I am not going to lecture you if you think that's what I am going to do .We were just there at a wrong time again and no one is hurt...well not atleast us ..dont know how many of your men died"

Yoongi chuckled.

"Sorry to tell you hyung but no one of Bangtan died and no one got caught by the police either"

"Hmm sad...I was waiting for headlines"

He snickered.

"Sorry to disappoint you hyungie"

Seokjin folded his hands and spoked
"You are following me everywhere aren't you ?"

He had wanted to talk about that to the latter for weeks now but he couldn't dare call Yoongi. They might be okay now but it still doesn't change the fact that Yoongi had become someone Seokjin would never let near him or Eunkyung ever.But he dont want to distance him either.So he will try to atleast make a little place in his heart for his brother.

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