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"You are not going to cry are you?"
Eunkyung asked as she took one more look at herself in the mirror.

"Ofcourse he isn't, right Seokjin ? "
Joohyuk said as he stood near the doorway ,in a suit.

"Noo I am not "
Seokjin sniffed ,trying to not get emotional. He can't help it.It was just a few years ago when he taught his sister how to write and now here she is getting ready for her graduation.He had almost left hope for her to ever graduate.She had quite a struggling academics graph.

"Oh my God stop crying!I am not getting married Oppa ,keep that tears for then "
She yelled dragging him out of her room.Joohyuk snickering as he led them to his car.

"Hey ,did Namjoon said he will be coming ? And what about your brother? Is he not going to be there ? "
Joohyuk asked as he settled into the driver's seat.

"Yoongi said he will be there before the function starts .Don't know if Namjoon could make it "

Seokjin replied as he put on his seatbelt.

"Oh ,regular business?"
The latter pressed and Seokjin squinted
"You know very well why is he not coming don't you? Care to tell me why is he avoiding me again ? "

Joohyuk laughed as he reminded him

"He is not avoiding you ,it's just that with the Phoenix now blocking their shipments he is a little pissy and not to mention the random threats he is receiving nowadays.He is just trying to keep you off radar."

Seokjin huffed.He knows Namjoon isn't actually avoiding him but the latter is acting a little wierd too.And seokjin can't help but feel that Namjoon will soon do something stupid.This time if he messes up ,he is not going to be the one to initiate .

"Are they still coming ? "
Seokjin asked ,as he looked in the side mirror ,fixing his tie.He rarely wears suits and by rarely, never.

"Yep.Taehyung is pretty pissed off .This time the threats are for killing hoseok."
Seokjin's eyes widened as he snapped his head at Joohyuk in alarm.Eunkyung is with them ,why is he talking about that now.

"She isn't a kid Seokjin."
Joohyuk sighed .

"For me ,she will always be ! So how about you shut up and we talk about this later.Today is a good day and I want to focus on my sister and not on how my boyfriend is probably out there grilling people or worst getting himself in trouble !"
Seokjin whisper yelled and Eunkyung rolled her eyes.

"If you don't start the car now I am getting out and Oppa I am not a kid anymore and I know whatever goes on with Bangtan.Don't forget who my besties are"

"Alright miss ,we are leaving now."
Joohyuk saluted ,starting the car.

Seokjin looked back and raised his brow.

"Jimin and Jungkook are graduating too right ? Oh my don't tell me half of Bangtan is going to show up at your university."

"You bet they are "
She grinned winking at him and Seokjin facepalmed.Oh dear God.

They soon reached the university and enter the seminar hall .
"Dont embarass me by crying here okay and do not yell my name when I step on the dias"
Eunkyung warned as she went to sit in the front row with her friends .

Seokjin rolled his eyes settling in his seat ,Joohyuk sitting next to him.

"You are not going to cry right ?"
Joohyuk asked blinking his eyes innocently and Seokjin threw him a glare.He won't okay.Or maybe a little.It depends on how long she takes to come on stage and how less emotional will be her speech.

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