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Namjoon sighed upon entering into his apartment.It's been a week since he have stepped foot in here.

Walking inside the apartment he went to his kitchen looking for water he hopes Jimin had put in a few bottles of.

He sighed in relief when he found one.
Taking it out he walked towards his couch ,settling down and chugs down the water in one go throwing the bottle somewhere in the room and he threw his head back resting on the couch.

He could feel his eyes drooping and he was out soon.

Seokjin squealed as Namjoon captured his lips in a steamy kiss and he tried so hard not to let his cone drop down, holding on to the latter's shoulders .

"My ice-cream! Namjoon get off "
He giggled as the latter just reached for his cone taking it out from his hand ,continuing to assault the latter's lips.

"You started it !"
Namjoon laughed  pulling back watching Jin with hawk eyes ,the latter blinking at him innocently.

"What did I do ? " He asked licking the corner of his mouth which had a little ice-cream.

Namjoon just followed his gaze ponting out.

"This "
He traced his fingers along the latter's lower lip and Seokjin could feel his heart race.

They were sitting in a park and it was pretty dark with the park almost nearing its closing and Seokjin was being a damn tease.

The latter believes he was just innocently licking off the ice-cream that kept melting over his hands but Namjoon find it annoyingly sexy and his resolved crumbled when Seokjin looked straight in his eyes licking off the ice-cream from his lips .

Dropping his own cone ,he pulled the latter close ,smashing their lips together as the latter left him no choice despite his warnings.

"Dont do that "
Namjoon had told him and Seokjin  had innocently asked tilting his head .

"What ? "

And had proceeded to annoy Namjoon making extremely sultry noises .

So Namjoon have had enough and forgetting every public ethics he had brought the latter closer ,catching him offguard.

"You are testing me "
Namjoon said breathlessly when he watched the latter getting red .

Seokjin just shrugged trying to bring his cone which still has the best part ,the chocolate filling left for him to eat when Namjoon gripped him tight by his waist ,the latter yelping as his hold on the cone loosened making it hit the ground.

Seokjin whined "Hey ,my ice-cream !"

Namjoon just shooked his head bringing the latter closer ,their knees hitting and Seokjin was getting embarrassed because they were still in public and Namjoon was almost pulling him in his lap.

He placed his hands over the latter's chest pushing him a little away ,the proximity making him squirm under the latter's lustful gaze.

"W-we should go back now "
He said getting red with embarassment.

Namjoon chuckled tilting his head.
"Shy ?"

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