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"I am tired of telling the voices in my head to stop screaming, but they don't seem to quit...

"Boss Bangtan had infiltrated our base completely. What do we do now ? "

Kwanghyun was shocked..He had seen Namjoon entering the dungeon by killing all his men and taking Jin out.But he is still here.It won't be easy escaping. And he knows Namjoon will come for him.The question is will Namjoon bring Jin to safety first ? Or will he be able to ?

He was sitting in front of his living room watching the Chaos unfold.

He never thought Bangtan was this strong.He underestimated them.he thought if he threatens them with Jin's life  they will panic and bolt here.But that didn't happen.Namjoon didn't came immediately. He took whole day to come here.He was also little worried his trick failed or Jin wasn't that important to Namjoon.But when the latter came with every allied gang ,aiming right where he should,he knew he was right.

"What's the status of our men? "

Kwanghyun asked eyeing the gun that was set on his coffee table .He needs to get in action soon.He is just waiting for a signal.

"Boss , we should have called our native gangs too.Only Red mafia and Bigbang isn't enough.And what are we going to do if they escape."

Kwanghyun laughed throwing his head back.Sangwoon blinked.Did he say something wrong? They are loosing clearly.If only Kwanghyun had let them use all their resources.

"You think they can escape? Well they are stupid if they think they can.I was shocked I agree.I never knew Rapmonster could easily slip in.But I am impressed.He saved his boyfriend. Well he thinks he did.But he won't be able to take him out.His next task is going to be the real game changer."

Sangwoon frowned.Kwanghyun is always the one who is reckless and messy.He doesn't take everything in consideration .Bangtan isn't a rookie gang anymore.They proved it when they showed up with explosives .

There was a call and Kwanghyun smirked.

"Showtime.Close all the exits.We have guests to attend "
He got up shrugging his shoulders and walked towards where Namjoon was currently fighting with his men.

"Fuck shit what's up with these lights now! "
Jungkook cursed.They are pretty much inside the building and now the lights have turned red.Blinking and there are alarms going on.He believes its the lock down.Great.

"Good thing we brought torch ? "
Jimin piped in ,making his way to find the damn way to Namjoon .He has Jin.And their mission is completed.Step one successful. Now they just have to take him out and come back.But for that they need to find an exit first.

"You can't see me right now  but I am looking at you with utter disbelief. I am also thinking you are crazy if you think that little torch is going to save us  "

Jimin scoffed placing his hands on the wall, he moved forward.

"I am trying to stay positive. I am trying to think nothing will go wrong.Will this work ? What if it doesn't? "

There was a slight noise and Jungkook pushed Jimin back ,walking towards the source.

"You think we are close? "

Jimin whispered, following the latter.

"I think this is it "
Jungkook said lifting the lid that was fixed on the ground.

"You sure? "
Jimin asked.They are going to do something no one will expect.

And when Jungkook proceeded to climb down ,Jimin cursed following him.

Silent Voice  ᪥ A Namjin AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now