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Namjoon parked the car and got out following Jin to his house.This was going to be the first time he had ever enter the latter's house.

Seokjin pushed the door open and chirped.
"Welcome to the Min's!"

Namjoon chuckled. Seokjin just have to say that don't he ?Well he is still a little tipsy so he won't point out anything.

He walked in taking the interior and he was taken aback.Seokjin's house doesn't look how he imagined it to be.There was an entire wall filled with various flower paintings and a decent furniture placed over the living room all painted in green and white.He blinked .

Did he enter a nursery ? Because there were potted plants lined up at the window sill with pearly white net curtains falling till the floor and an ivy shrub trailing towards a room he believes is the kitchen.

"Umm..are you a doctor or a botanist? This ..this is amazing but really ...never expected your house to look like a damn nursery"
Seokjin chuckled.

He padded towards the latter dragging him from where he was staring at the tulip painting and grinned.

"Not a botanist but a florist...I told you right we own a flower shop and Eunkyung had painted these all.That girl is dumb when it comes to studies but trust me no one can hold her hands when it comes to paintings."

Seokjin spoked pointing to the wall and Namjoon nodded.He had went to that shop ,he remembers there was a girl there ..and she was Seokjin's sister.Just as pretty as him.

Seokjin didn't stopped then .He marched towards the kitchen and groaned.The kitchen looked like a disaster. The dishes still lying in the sink and he is pretty sure there's no food in the fridge either.He wasn't well past days and then being alone he was too tired to cook only for himself and had fed over the hospital canteen .He haven't been sleeping in the house either...camping in his hospital bunk beds that are used by doctors to rest.

"Oh dear God..now what am I going to cook for Namjoon? "

He sulked and walked back to the latter who was now touching all their plants .He smiled.Namjoon looks adorable with his brows furrowed trying to figure the names of them.

He spoke approaching the latter and Namjoon turned quickly as if he was caught doing something wrong.

"Huh what? "

Seokjin pursed his lips and spoke sheepishly rubbing his neck.

"I uh..we are running out of groceries right now.. I know I said I will make you something but "

Namjoon cooed.Seokjin was looking so guilty .He was the one who had asked to stay the night as well promised him that he will cook for him .Namjoon had denied but Seokjin was adamant .How did Namjoon haven't ate food cooked by seokjin in all these weeks at all .What were they even doing ?Going on Cafe and lunch dates and what ? Neither had visited each other's house ever.Seokjin decided he needs to change that.Now that Namjoon is his boyfriend he wanted to make something for the latter but looks like his luck wasnt in his favor today.

"Then we can order takeout ? "Namjoon proposed.He is basically living on it so he really doesn't mind.

"You won't mind? I am really sorry I know I was the one who -"
Namjoon pulled the latter closer and spoked.

"I am just glad to be with you Jin..I really won't mind"

"Then there's no problem at all ! What do you want then ? Chicken? Beef? I am sure I have a packet of Ramen somewhere so ..how about that too?"

"Anything you say Jin."
Seokjin beamed and kissed the latter running off to put in the order.Namjoon blinked.

"He is still drunk isn't he?"
Namjoon thought shooking his head but then he frowned.Ever since he came in its just them.And it's past 10 now.Doesnt Seokjins sister live with him ? How did he completely forgot about that!

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