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Seokjin woke up restless in the middle of night.He looked to his right over the corner to see his sister sleeping peacefully. Sighing he got up to drink water when he realized he forgot to put one in their room last night.

"Oh god "
He cursed , begrudgingly lifting himself from the queen bed ,slipping on his flip flops he walked out of the room ,a little inconvenience and he frowned when the knob refused to open.Thats when he heard it.

"Ahhh you liars!You said no one is home.Then where's that noise coming from now ?"
He heard a voice.Very familiar.He had heard this voice in clips that are shown on TV.


"Sangwoon dear ,bring out whoever it is please now "

Seokjin cursed at his stupidity. He should have known when the knob didn't work. Shivers ran down his back when he heard a banging on the door.Jumping back he scattered around his room in search of his phone.He found it on his nightstand .

Ignoring the banging on the door he shakily opened it , flinching when
a splinter fall off the door.

Shit.Whoever it is,is desperate to see who is inside.He whipped his head to his sister who was now squirming and whining at the loud noise.

"You didn't told me ,your son is home too isn't he ?"
Seokjin's eyes widened and he gulped .He dont have time to call police ,neither does he have a way to run out,but then he frowned. How did they knew its him .It could have been Eunkyung too.

'You are a monster!'

'I know.But monster with a heart.'

'Monsters don't have a heart '

'This one does.Seokjin-Ah whatever I do will never come to them.I can promise you that'

Jong-il's words.Seokjin wanted to thank his father for what he did.He completely concealed Eunkyung's identity.It will be useless after tonight though.They will know.When they will see her.A thought crossed his mind and he immediately dashed to his closet.It was almost empty.He had his clothes packed .He was moving out tomorrow.

He shuffled inside to find an opening.The vault.He knows why it's there.They have it in every closet .Another splinter fall off and his heart dropped when a hand reached to open the door from inside.He was atleast sane enough to lock it back again.

"Eunkyung "

He shaked his sister with hushed tone.The banging would easily hide his voice anyway.

The girl woke up in a gasp and yelled but her voice didn't came out.Seokjin slapped his hand over her mouth ,widening his eyes to tell her to shut up.

She nodded confusingly letting herself dragged out of the bed towards the closet.

"Listen to me okay"
His hands still on her mouth .She nodded again.Seokjin was too scared he won't be able to tell her everything now.

She don't know why her brother is tip toeing and why is the door splintered ,neither does she know anything about the gangs.And seokjin don't have time to explain it either.

"You will go inside and I will shut the door.Do not get out at any cost. And don't make any noise okay,don't listen and don't open your eyes.Dont come out of the vault even if it's me who calls you okay? "

Silent Voice  ᪥ A Namjin AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now