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Chief Officer Kim Byeongchul found dead In his Cabin on Saturday night 3.00am .The officer was found bloodied with multiple slashes on his body .According to the doctors reports , Kim Byeongchul died with loss of blood and not due to the bullet that was found in his skull.It was shot after the officer left all fight and was already dead .

The headlines kept coming with the reporters constantly showing the footage of the cabin and Namjoon stood still watching it with wide eyes.His mind running a mile as it settled in his mind that his father was no more,killed in cold blood in a place which he worshipped more than anything his whole life.A place known to be the safest place of all ,a place where every commoner could raise their concerns and it would be resolved. A place that was pride of his father.

The glass make a clunk sound on the checkered tiles as Namjoon screamed watching the bloodied figure taken out from the precinct under the white cloth.

He wasn't in Seoul.A little away from town in a suburban area ,in a hotel room .

"No no no no Dad ! "
He screamed walking closer to the television set ,placing his hands on the screen as if touching his father ,trying to wake him up when he knew he won't.

He yelled at the screen when he saw his brother standing there ,shocked and still ,tear tracks visible on his face even through the screen.

Namjoon stumbled back running out of the room ,taking his bag along with him .

He had left his cellphone home ,so his brother had no way to contact him.He dragged himself downstairs ,taking a lift instead completely slipping his mind as he tumbled down the stairs all the way down ,reaching the reception.

"I am checking out.!"
He slapped the bills on the counter ,neglecting every words the receptionist yelled that he can't just leave without completing formalities but Namjoon was not in his right state.

Namjoon yelled again when he finally reached Seoul ,knowing very well where his brother must be now.He was late.Too late.It all happened at dawn and now it was noon.If only he had seen the news early .

Joohyuk cried, getting up from where he was sitting on the porch of their house.People going in and out,wanting to have one last look of their beloved Officer.

Namjoon crashed himself on his brother who tumbled back trying to hold him .
Hysterical. The only word to describe the blood curling screams of Namjoon .

Yelling ,crying ,painful groans leaving him as he crashed to the ground.
What happened? How ? Why ?who did it ? Everything was on his mind at the same time along with the guilt.Of not being here.The guilt and burden of the last words he said to his father when he left the house last week .

"I am sorry " He chanted while he looked at the defeated face of his brother, silent ,tears dried over his face and  he kept blinking at him.

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