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Namjoon breathed as he put his gun down ,the latter completely unbothered as he kept stirring the curry.

"Welcome Home!"
He chirped instead as he saw Namjoon looking at him in surprise as well as shock.

Namjoon moved past his hall to the kitchen area .

"What are you doing he-"

"Taste this "
Seokjin pushed a spoonful of curry he had carefully blown before enough to not burn the latter's mouth.

Namjoon swallowed the curry ,the taste already making him crave for more .He just realized he haven't had a decent food in a week either.

Seokjin was all set to make him eat yet another spoonful but he grabbed his hands lowering them ,eventually making the latter let go of it.

Now that Seokjin got a clear look of Namjoon ,what Jimin told him was nothing close to how beat the latter looked ,his eyes red and swollen courtesy of staying awake more than his capacity, the stubble covering his face ,and overall he looked pretty worned out.To put in a simple term,Namjoon looked terrible.

Namjoon said as he took a once over of his apartment as well as the person standing in his kitchen,the variety of dishes on his counter

This wasn't a sudden visit.And it wasn't possible for Jin to come here on his own either.Now he understood why Jimin had practically kicked him out of the warehouse and asked him to go see Jin.

He had not so guilt tripped him by saying how Jin must be alone and him avoiding the latter under the name of protection is a complete bullshit .So he had decided to come home and freshen up and meet Jin .But looks like he don't need to anymore.

"Dont be mad at him.I was at fault too .I know you don't like me coming here "

Seokjin started ,now realizing the depth of how dangerous this all is.He should have atleast took the latter in confidence but then again Namjoon would have denied either way and Jin was getting anxious. He needed to see Namjoon.

"But you were avoiding me and I  wanted to see you "
Seokjin said rubbing his thumb against the stubble ,it was rough under his touch but he didn't mind.

"And you decided to just show up here,I could have shot you "
Namjoon breathed as he leaned into the latter's touch.

Fuck he was so close to pull the trigger.Seokjin wasn't even quite when he was cooking.And with the stress he is under ,he immediately thought it was someone else .

"You didn't "

"Since when are you here? "
Namjoon asked as he draws back ,looking again at the now tidied apartment.

"A while."

Namjoon hummed still looking away.

"Namjoon ,look at me "
Seokjin demands as he could feel how the latter was trying hard not to yell at him for being here,a place which can easily be discovered anytime now and with how quick Namjoon overthinks everything, he is sure the latter is already finding ways to get him out of here without making it look like he is kicking him out.

"You were alone here.I could have shot you.What were you thinking !"
Namjoon yelled shutting his eyes.He is tired and exhausted and mad and no matter how happy he is to see Jin, all he can think is how dangerous it is for the latter to be here .

Seokjin gripped the counter ,moving forward as he let his palms slide down the sides of Namjoon's face ,the man was in desperate need of shave now.

"Jimin had texted me your every location ,I knew you were the one coming inside from that door.I didn't move because that would have  made it harder for you to see that it was me.Namjoon you were not going to shoot me .I am here because I missed you and you are making me worried with how you are overworking yourself"

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