6. Late.

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Today Zhan had to be at home early because he had a party to attend.

So after the classes are over he said bye to Simon and went to his car where his driver was waiting for him.

He quickly sat in the car and told the driver to be quick, if he gets late even for a minute then Yanli will surely get angry.

Zhan leaned back on his seat to rest, her thought about what had helped in the college maybe he said a lot today,

Calling someone a prostitute was the wrong thing to do, maybe he should say sorry to Yibo tomorrow.

While he was in his thoughts the driver suddenly stopped her car, "Why did you stop?"

"Sir there is someone the bike before us."

Zhan looked in front and indeed there was someone on the bike, the driver gave them a horn but the man didn't move.

Zhan was getting annoyed now because he was getting late, so he got out of his car and moved towards the man on the bike, he was also wearing a helmet so his face was not visible.

"get out of the way," Zhan spoke while the man got down from his bike and stood in front of him.

"I said remove your bike."

The man smirked before he punched Zhan in the face, Zhan felt so angry not because he was punched but because he was getting late and Yanli will be disappointed.

So instead of saying or doing anything to the man, he kicked his bike and it fell on the ground before Zhan walked to the car and asked the driver to shift to the passenger's seat, Zhan then sat on the passenger seat and Yibo couldn't do anything because Zhan drove his car and crushing his bike at the moment.

But Zhan's car also received plenty of damage in the process.

Yibo just stood at his place with anger, his initial plan was to scare Zhan but looks like it has to change.

Meanwhile, when Zhan reached home he was nervous as hell when he walked inside the building he saw Yanli standing right in the middle of the living room, she was already dressed elegantly, her hair was tied up in a bun while she was wearing a black dress.

She look beautiful but Zhan was scared of her.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO LATE?!" She yelled and Zhan flinched he looked down and couldn't say a word, Yanli moved forward and saw his face, "What the hell is this bruise were you in a fight?"

"No...aunt...I..." Zhan tried to explain himself but Yanli raised her hand and yelled again, she was waiting for Zhan to come so that she could take him to this meeting where he could meet other people and make connections, but Zhan...

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it, first, you are late and secondly, you came home with this face, there is no way I will take you with me, you stay at home...and as a punishment, you are not getting any food today.

I sent you college for studies not to become a hooligan..."

"I am sorry aunt," Zhan said slowly before he went to his room, Zhan can tolerate anything but now Yanli's disappointment, for him Yanli was his world, so her wishes her words are what matters the most to him.

Zhan felt anger towards the person who caused him to be late.


"Yibo what's wrong with your bike?" Mrs. Wang asked as she saw her son and his deranged bike.

Yibo didn't and went straight to his room and closed his door with a bang, he then took out the helmet and threw it on the ground.

He was so mad that he thrashed his room.

A little later, his mom came to his room, "Are you calm now?" she said and placed some snacks and cold drinks on the table.

"What's wrong? did something happen in the college?"

Yibo sat down and ate the snacks, "You know mom, we have a new student in our college and he is...the heir of Xiao's"

His mom was quiet before she spoke, "You mean Xiao Zhan?"

"Yes, mom, that bastard."

Yibo's mom, Irene has been working with his father in his company for a long time so she knows what goes in the company she also knows how cunning and cruel the Xiao's are, there were many times Xiao's had taken their deals and caused them a lot of Damage.

Other than that, the Xiao's have always been arrogant and treated any other persons like the dirt they wear a mask of friendliness and helpfulness but in reality, they are backstabbers.

"Yibo did they do something to you? did he try anything funny?"

"Mom...today that bastard poured his drink on my shirt and even went as far as to call me a prostitute."

"What?!...the audacity of these people." she said with rage, "Then your bike."

"Yeah, he is the one who did it."

Yibo's mother was fuming with anger, but no matter how they look at this, this is Yibo's fight and Yibo himself will not like them to get involved.

"He is...being like this because he has Xiao's behind his name." his mother said, "Years ago, the Xiao's had also backstabbed your father."

Yibo knows that story very well, at that time, one of the children of Elijah Xiao who is the head of the xiao family, became friends with his father and in return stole his works and ideas.

That caused his father to fall into depression and even though his father was the son of the Wang's his image was still affected.

"You don't worry mom, I will not let anyone just walk over me like this."

"Then what are you planning to do?" she asked.

"Well...it's a secret...mom." he said and just smiled, "But I am going to make sure that, that guy sufferers."

His mother smiled, "Alright, this time I won't stop you since I don't like the Xiao's as well."

Once his mother left the room Yibo, stayed in his room and called someone, the call rang for some time before the other side answered, "To what I owe this pleasure?"

"I have work for you," Yibo said with a smirk.

Author's note: hohoho, what do you guys think of Yanli in this book?

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