38. Farewell

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The morning came too soon.

The darkness of the night was so much better than this lonely morning.

Because when Yibo woke up he was alone in his room, on his bed, the last night seemed like a beautiful dream but the pain in his waist and the love marks told a different story.

Yibo sat on his bed reminiscing about the last night before he hugged his knees to his chest and tied his arms around his knees before keeping his head on his knees and he cried.

He broke down. 

A week passed and it was the wedding day, the guests had already started to come and the bride was ready as well, and Zhan was just standing in front of the mirror.

"Zhan..." Wen Qing came in and hugged him, tightly, "Congratulations."

Zhan didn't smile and he didn't hug her back he was numb, he had stopped feeling anything.

"Zhan is anything wrong ?" she asked.

"Zhan are you ready?" Simon came in followed by Jiang Cheng and Zhan just nodded, before he suddenly spoke, "Why didn't the two to you tell me about Yibo's accident?"

Simon and Jiang Cheng's eyes widened as well, "You didn't know?"

Simon spoke, "I thought you knew because after that I had to be with my mother for her operation and then my studies, it slipped my mind to talk to you about it I thought you knew but chose to ignore it."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng asked and Zhan just shook his head.


"Zhan..." Wen Qing asked., "Do you still love him?"

Zhan stopped, "Even if I do I think it would be the best for us to separate he has lost his family and he needs someone he can depend on and I am definitely not that someone."

"But..." Wen Qing said but Zhan interrupted her, "Let's go," he said and walked out.

While the others followed him out.

As Zhan stood at the altar, waiting for his bride, everyone was there, Yuhai, Yanli, Simon, Wen Qing, Jiang Cheng even A-Xiang but Zhan felt so alone, he felt like he was standing alone in the middle of an abyss.

Completely surrounded by darkness.

Soon his bride also arrive, Jenny looked breathe takingly gorgeous, in her white dress and messy bun as she stood in front of him with a smile but just like she was lonely as well.

After she had dreamed to take these vows with someone else, but that someone had become a memory and the only thing left was the necklace that she was wearing on her neck.

The ceremony began, the pries said some words, and Zhan listened to them, all of this was so pure and divine but Zhan wanted Yibo to be beside him.

He felt detached from reality. Can time just stop, can he just get a break, just a tiny second of happiness, please.

"Do you Xiao Zhan, take Jenny Martin as your wife?"

Zhan said with a lifeless, cold robotic voice, "I do..."

"Do you Jenny Martin take Xiao Zhan as your husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

The two looked at each other before they moved forwards and touched lips together. It lasted for a few seconds but it was painful.

The audience clapped and the two turned back to face the audience but Zhan's heart stopped once he saw Yibo right in front looking at him with a smile and teary eyes.

Yibo just clapped and smiled at him, while Zhan couldn't take his eyes off him, he looked so good, in the black suit and perfectly styled hairs and black shoes.

Yibo's tears escaped his eyes non-stop, and even Zhan's eyes became wet as he locked eyes with Yibo.

Jenny noticed Zhan's tears and his expression and she saw Yibo as well, she understood at once what was going on here, honestly, her heart ached for these two.

They greeted the guests before Jenny grabbed Zhan's hand and guided him to Yibo, "You two can talk I'll see you guys." 

She said and gave a small smile to Yibo before he walked back to her parents, "You came." Zhan said.

"I had to..."Yibo said with a smile. "Congratulations on your marriage."

"Thanks." Zhan said, "You are going to stay for dinner..."

"I have a flight..." Yibo said.


Yibo nodded."Yeah flight, I am going abroad for some time...I don't when I will come back, whether I will come back or not."

Zhan nodded slowly, his tears escaped his eyes and so did Yibo's the two looked at each other before Yibo suddenly moved forward and hugged Zhan.

"I will miss you...and I love you." Yibo whispered lovingly and looked at Zhan with hopeful eyes hoping that Zhan would also say these words back to him but Zhan never did.

Zhan thoughts that his words will only hold back Yibo give him a false hope so he didn't let those words escape his mouth.

Zhan smiled and just hugged him tightly, "I will miss you too, bye." And I love you he added his mind but of course Yibo does not know that.

They broke the hug and Yibo smiled before taking a step back and then a second step back, "Bye...Xiao Zhan..."

With that Yibo turned back and walked towards the car, after that he couldn't smile anymore his expression changed as he cried, he sat in his car and asked the driver to drive to the airport and the entire ride he was crying.

While Zhan who watched his back till he sat in the car and drove  away finally sat down on the chair and cried harder.

If only they had met in better circumstances.

                                     End of Season 1 

Author's note: woah what a ride it was, anyways season one has ended I know you guys are going to curse and me and want beat the hell out of me alright I am ready.

Season 2 will start soon. I will give them their happy ending.

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