41. Mesmerized

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Simon's old house was just like before cozy and peaceful.

Thankfully Simon and his mother didn't force him to talk instead they told him to go and rest, so he did as he was told.

As he layed on the bed he thought that he is back finally he is back, and the room in which he was staying was Simon's old room, the room had childhood memories also a very faint memory of hs college days or should he say one particular day.

Turning to the other side he blocked those memories, but his mind still kept on whispering.

Is he here?

Will he be there at the funeral.

Will he be alone or maybe with his wife?

But then he thought that why was he wasting his thinking about someone he hasn't seen or heard of in seven years? Why waste his time?

So with a sigh he placed his forearm on his eyes and sighed.
The next day Yibo got dressed in black clothes and styled himself, to attend the funeral, and when he reached there he saw people being already seated there, all wearing black dress some, chatting some mourning, some looked bored as hell.

"Finally you are here, I didn't expect though." Jiang Cheng greeted him with a smile,

"I had to, since you are the biggest investor and blah blah," Yibo said as he looked around, "it's crowded."

"I think the same...I mean I had no idea that my father actually knew all these people, I am sure he didn't, half of them are here for time pass maybe."

Yibo looked at him up and down ,"You were his real child right?"

"No I was picked up from the dustbin..." Yibo just stared at him with a blank expressing while Jiang Cheng smile, "You asked a dumb question it's your fault, of course I am his one and only child."

"Shouldn't you be at least a little be sad?"  Yibo said and Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes

"For whom? for the sperm donor?"

Yibo became quiet after that, a few minutes later Wen Qing approached them, she had became truly beautiful and matured in these years, mother of a lovely seven year old child,

"Welcome Yibo, it's been a while" she said with a smile, "How have you been?"

Jiang Cheng smirked, "He is going to say 'Fine' why bother asking."

Wen Qing glared at him while he became quiet, while she smiled before a child came running to him, "Uncle Yibo..."

"A-Yuan." Yibo said and picked the seven year old child before hugging him tightly, "How are you sweetheart."

"I missed you Uncle Yibo, did you bring something for me?" A-Yuan asked and Yibo just smiled, "What do you want?"

"Um...Chocolate." he said after thinking and spoke in his soft voice with twinkling eyes and Yibo smiled before putting him back on the ground, "I will buy it for you later."

Wen Qing smiled, "Let's go in the ceremony is going to begin."

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, "Now I have to sit between these humans and fake sadness and then give fudging speech for that...OUCH!" Jiang Cheng nearly jumped when Wen Qing pinched his arm and glared at him.

While he caressed his arms and looked down while A-Yuan covered his mouth and giggled and Jiang Cheng glared at him, "Stop laughing or else if she beats you next time I will not help you."

A-Yuan ran away from there while Yibo looked at him with a raised brow and faint smirk while he rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah enjoy my misery."

"What did you say?" Wen Qing said with a warning voice.

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