47. Rival.

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Zhan was the first one who got up from the bed, as he had received a call from Yanli.

"Hello, Aunt."

"Where were you last night Zhan?" She asked and he became quiet for some time as he looked at Yibo who smiled at him from the bed, "Aunt I will be there."

"That's not the answer I wanted," Yanli spoke in her firm voice.

Zhan sighed, "Aunt, I will talk to you when I get there, I am busy right now."

"I will wait, be here in one hour," she said and the call was disconnected.

Zhan sighed as he kept the phone aside and then he looked back only to see a frowning Yibo.

"Why didn't you tell her about me? are you ashamed of me?" Yibo asked rather aggressively.

Zhan sighed and sat down beside him, "Yibo...I am not ashamed of you I just don't want to tell aunt so soon."

Yibo took a deep breath and tried his best to understand Zhan's reasoning, their relationship was fragile at this point and it will need time to improve that's why he needed to be patient.

So he grabbed Zhan's hand and asked him, "Why don't you tell her about me?"

Zhan spoke, "Yibo my aunt...you don't know how she is...if she got to know about you then I am afraid she will..."

"She will what? disapprove of me?" Yibo asked.

Zhan shook his head, "I can't say, my aunt is not the most stable person around I have no idea how she will react she might reject you or accept you, but if she accepts you then she will interfere a lot with us..."

Now that Zhan says Yibo remembers that in the past Zhan's aunt was not a normal human, the way she hired bodybuilders to beat Zhan to death for something that wasn't even his fault makes Yibo shiver.

And the fact that somewhere or the other he was responsible for it makes it worse, Yibo would rather die than let anyone harm Zhan like that, even if she is his aunt, Yibo will not tolerate anyone hurting his Zhan.

So he decided to listen to Zhan and take it slow.

"Alright, I will drop you home." Yibo said, "And you can't say no to that."

"Sure," Zhan said, and happily sat behind Yibo, on his bike, while Yibo gladly drove at a very safe speed so that Zhan does not feel scared.

Once they reached the Xiao Mansion, Zhan got down from the bike and smiled at Yibo, "Okay I'll leave now, see you later."

He said and walked inside the mansion, Yibo watched him leave till he was out of sight, and once he was gone, Yibo also drove his bike but instead of going home, he went somewhere else.

He rang the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to answer, and after a while, Wen Qing answered the door.

"Oh Yibo...welcome come in," she said and Yibo walked in.

"A-Qing, I want to talk to you and your husband," Yibo said once he came in.

"Yibo is everything okay?" she asked and Yibo nodded, "Everything is okay I just want to ask you guys something can you call him please."

Wen Qing nodded and called her husband and once Cheng was there all three of them sat and talked, "So what is it?" Cheng asked.

"Me and Zhan we are together once again..." Yibo began.

Wen Qing and Cheng smiled, "Congratulations." Wen Qing said.

Yibo smiled and nodded, "I wanted to know about, Zhan's aunt Yanli, seven years ago I saw her but didn't know her well...but one thing I know is that his aunt's influence on him is very great..."

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