55. Fuel

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Yibo felt like he was living on cloud nine, everything was going smoothly.

His and Zhan's relation was going smoothly as well, and even Yanli did not interfere much with them.

Zhan was also quiet shocked but he was happy that Yanli was not as strict as he thought she would be, surprisingly she gave him time and, even encouraged him to go with Yibo, which made Zhan so happy that he nearly jumped with joy.

Even Yibo left no chance to pester her, he would often give her flowers or greet her or say compliments to her like now as he was in the company and he met Yanli outside,

"Good morning Ms. Xiao, you are looking ethereal as always, and here are some chocolates for you."

Yanli just gave him a faint smile and accepted the chocolates, "Hm...I must say you have a good taste in everything Mr. Wang...after getting to know you I think it's a pity that you wasted seven years, if I had known about you before I would have made Zhan marry you."

Yibos face turned red as he tried is best not to smile with joy and Yanli found this reaction very cute, "Well Ms. Xiao I can marry him now, if you allow."

Yanli smirked, "propose to him first." she said and Yibo burst into a smile, Yanli smiled as well, "He is in his office go and meet him there, but don't distract him."

Yibo nodded, "Sure"

Once Yibo was gone Yanli suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled back but managed herself before walking to her car.

Zhan was in his office focusing on his work when he felt someone hugging him from behind, before kissing him on the cheeks.

"My darling works a lot right?" Yibo asked and Zhan laughed, as he grabbed Yibo's hand and kissed him, "Don't you have work?"

Yibo nodded, "I do, I do have a lot of work actually, I am planning to move back here."

Zhan's eyes widen as he smiled, "Really?, you are going to move back here?"

Yibo smiled and nodded, "This place is my home Zhan and honestly I missed my home a lot...I had enough living alone and now I want to live with family."

Zhan smiled and suddenly made Yibo sit on his lap before kissing him, Yibo also tightly hugged him before kissing him, "I love you so, so much Yibo."

"I love you too."

"I didn't expect that you would accept Yibo." Yuhai said to Yanli, as the two sipped their teas.

Yanli just sat there quiet before Yuhai spoke, "Don't you have any questions? any problem? and doubt?"

Yanli finally sighed, "I had, a lot of doubts and problems and questions, honestly I was ready to give him a piece of mind and scold him."

"Then what made you change your mind?"

"Zhan's happiness."

Yuhai remained quiet and let Yanli speak, "I know the feeling of love, it's beautiful, it's magical...and when I saw Zhan's smile, his happiness, how can I take it away, if being with Yibo brings him joy and stability then why not.

And I must say Yibo is  amazing as well, he has waited for seven years for his beloved, must be hard for him to see the love of his life marrying someone else after the death of his parents but he still didn't let go of his love, nowadays, it's hard to find someone so loyal."

Yuhai smiled, when she heard that, "So you will allow them to get married?"

"I want them to get married, " Yanli said, "I have made that child go through so much, I have wronged him a lot of time, I think it's time I should let him find happiness."

Yuhai took a sip from his tea and asked, "And what if Zhan moves abroad with Yibo."

Yanli felt a pang in her chest, but she didn't show it, "Then I think I should learn to let go of him."

Yuhai was speechless she couldn't believe what she heard but in the end she smiled, "By the way you look pale,  you should take care of your health."

Yanli didn't reply to this.
When Dean had came to Xiao corporation he had clearly not expected to see Zhan and Yibo together.

"Mr. Smith." Zhan spoke to him, while Yibo was just beside him, Zhan had came outside because of Yibo but he didn't expect to see Dean himself.

And after seeing Dean, Yibo was also not ready to leave Zhan's side, however Yibo smirked and snaked his arm around Zhan said, "Nice to meet you Dean."

Dean also smiled but gritted his teeth, "Mr. Xiao I would like to talk to you regarding the deal."

Zhan nodded and looked at Yibo, "Mr. Smith you go ahead, I am coming."

Dean nodded as he walked but he turned bak and when he did he saw Yibo kissing Zhan on the lips, while giving Dean a smirk, and that made Dean enraged.

He is not going to let this slide so easily.
The next day Dean came across Yanli in a cafe and an idea popped up in his head, "Nice to meet you again Ms. Xiao."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith." Yanli said as she grabbed her coffee, "I will leave first."

"I heard that Yibo, and Mr. Xiao are dating."

Yanli looked at Dean with her cold eyes, "And how is that any of your business?"

Dean smiled, "Actually I was classmates with both of them, and I must say Zhan is really forgiving after what Yibo had done to him."

Yanli stopped, "And what do you mean..."

"Oh you don't know, Mr. Xiao must have not told you after all it was quiet humiliating...but then again it was seven years ago."

Yanli stopped and glared at Dean with her piercing stare, "Mr. Smith I will say one and the last time I don't like people especially in business who beat around the bush if you can't get straight to the point then I must leave."

Dean stopped her, "Then let me tell you everything...do you know that Zhan's beloved Yibo was ready to ruin his life and frame him for drugs."

Yanli's eyes widen and as Dean told her everything her anger reached it's peak and to say she was mad would be an understatement she was enraged and ready to kill someone.

Author's note: Thoughts? views?

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