25. Sisters

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Yuhai sat on the hospital chair as she looked through the reports. A deep frown was covering her face as she was looking at the reports.

Her hands trembled, as she intensely looked at the reports, a few minutes later she walked out of the hospital. And sat on the bench outside she took out her phone and scrolled through the contacts, then her eyes landed on a contact number she hasn't called for years but today she had to.

So she dialed a number it rang for sometime before the other person answered it was a woman, who spoke with her cold voice, "To what I owe this pleasure? is the world going to end?"

Yuhai smiled, "It is...my world at least, how are you elder sister...Yanli?"

Yanli who was sitting on her chair leaned back and stared at the ceiling, "It's been a while Yuhai...so what do you want?"

"I...I...have breast cancer sister..."

Yanli sat straight on her desk and her eyes wide as she heard Yuhai, "Where are you right now?" she asked as she got up and took her purse, while Yuhai told her that she was sitting outside the hospital.

A few minutes later Yanli reached the place where Yuhai told her she was, Yanli spotted her and sat down beside her on the bench.

It has been twenty years, since the last time they saw each other, Yuhai smiled at her gently while Yanli who had no idea how to smile just snatched the reports from her hand and read them.

"Breast cancer...you ficking fool! why didn't get checked before?" she asked and Yuhai replied.

"Well, for your information, breast cancer has no early symptoms."

Yanli sighed and sat back, "Then what are you waiting for get your surgery done, or are you waiting to ide, and if you had to die then you should have died alone."

Despite Yanli's anger Yuahi just looked at her with a smile, and gentle eyes, Yanli it still the same, "Well  I just wanted to meet you, you know...in case I...couldn't make it...and Simon also needs to know about his family tree...so..."

Yanli sighed "Simon...your son... he must be the same age as Zhan..."

Suddenly Yuhai's smile vanished, "Do you know that a few days ago this fiend Zhan..visited my home and he is friends with 'my' son?"

Yanli didn't say anything even after so many years Yuhai's hate was the same as before, as she looked at Yanli, "Why...Yanli...what was the need to take that child in? You could have given him up for adoption, for foster care, why did you raise him?"

Yanli didn't answer she just clenched her fist, while Yuhai spoke, "He was the reason I had left the home and now he became friends with my son, I wanted to keep myself and my son away from...but...why Yanli why..."

Yanli didn't answer, honestly, she had no idea why she saved Zhan, Zhan's father had done unimaginable crimes, no he had done sins...things which can't be said and can't be forgotten...but still opened the old wounds when remembered.

"Twenty years later we have met," Yanli spoke, "And all you have to talk is about that child?"

Yuhai smirked, "Isn't he the reason?... Yanli the moment his mother was pregnant, we all knew how much of a cursed being he was...maybe it wasn't his fault but he had his father's blood his genes...that child was better of dead...why bring him in the world where no one would love him..."

Yanli stood up, "It is true, that I hate that child, but he has never harmed you or Simon so stop blaming him."

"I am going to die most probably and after me what is he comes after Simon who had no clue about this?"

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