24. Payback

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A-Xiang was sitting with the nerdy guy whose bottle she had taken before when Yibo came to her desk and banged his hands against the table making her and everyone flinch, and the nerdy guy baked away.

"What the hell is your problem?" Yibo asked as he glared at A-Xiang a girl who was his friend for twenty years, It won't be a lie to say that he missed her, he missed her like hell, he jokes her taunts her smile everything, but his ego was bigger than his misery.

He wanted to talk to A-Xiang as well but he didn't becuase of his ego, and now he got the chance to have a 'talk' with her, he was mad at her for supporting Zhan and not him.

A-Xiang also stood up and glared at Yibo with the same intensity, she is not a woman who will back off, "What the hell is your problem?"

Yibo moved closer and the atmosphere became tense, the two glared at each other no one willing to back down or break their eye contact, "mind your own business."

"I was minding my own business, now get the hell lost from here," she spoke as well.

Yibo sighed, "You know what? I don't get you, you are my friend like my sister and now you are behaving like this just becuase of a guy you don't even know? you like him that much?"

Yibo had a burning sensation in his heart when he thought that there was someone else who liked Zhan...A-Xiang was breathing heavily, "Fine let's talk today!"

She said and grabbed his hand before walking out to a place where they could get some privacy, "You know what Zhan is not the reason why I am like this it is you, your habits, your ego is the one pushing me away and what you are doing with Zhan was the last straw.

Ever since we are young everything is always and always about you, fine I have no problem with that...But I will tell you you are a horrible friend when was the last time you sat beside me and listened to me? huh?

I was always there for you but you were never there for me...when my father had a heart attack you were partying, remember how many times I had called you?

When my mom fell from the stairs and I needed someone you weren't there, when I was being bullied you never paid attention, you ever tried to be there." A-Xiang's eyes became wet as she said all these things.

"When You would play with others I never liked that but you said that I was being sensitive becuase I was a girl, I was already so insecure...at that time my father, my brother everyone is a genius and you knew how much pressure I had on me and yet you..."

A-Xiang took a deep breath and Yibo was shocked beyond wits, he never realized that he was so horrible, he never realized that he was such a terrible friend he has always joked around but he never realized that A-Xiang would be this hurt.

A-Xiang wiped her tears, "I can't cry in front of you becuase then I would be weak for you, I can't share my worries with you becuase you are never there, I can't tell you what makes me uncomfortable because then I would be too sensitive for you...and this is just me I am sure Haoxuan must have the same thoughts and now with Zhan..."

Yibo's eyes were wet as well, he didn't have words to say anything his heart felt heavy as he looked at A-Xiang who wiped her tears, "You know what I have realized this too late but you are toxic Yibo, you are toxic as hell and I don't want to be anywhere near you.

These past few days I felt so relaxed and happy when you weren't there, I can be myself and I can never be that around you...I think I am better off without you, and I don't like Zhan get it straight I just pity him....and yes this exact behavior was the reason why Simon broke his friendship with you good for him I should have followed him as well...

How could you have joked about his dead father and you never apologized to him either." she said and wiped her tears before she was about to leave but Yibo grabbed her hand.

"A-Xiang I am sorry I had no idea I was hurting you...I am sorry....please...but I really love you as a friend I might never show it but I do care for you...I am sorry for being an idiot I really am..." Yibo said it was true that since childhood he had only three friends, A-Xiang, Haoxuan, and Simon.

Simon and Him were very close like brothers, they shared everything but one day one joke about Simon's deceased father breaking their friendship forever.

Yibo wanted Simon back as his friend but his ego was too big so he never said sorry and lost his brother. And today A-Xiang.

A-Xiang yanked her hand back, "You know what Yibo I need a break from you...I will think about this friendship later..." she said and walked away.

While Yibo just sighed.
The next day came pretty soon and, today was anxious becuase he had to skip college something he never thought about doing, he had left early and bought the tickets for the amusement and then he waited for Yibo to show up.

Ten minutes, thirty minutes, one hour, two hours, and three hours had passed but Yibo had not shown up and Zhan had called him several times and messaged him several times but he didn't reply.

Even Simon called him to ask where he was but Zhan told him that he was a little busy and then he received a message from Yibo saying that he was coming Zhan felt happy but another two hours passed and he didn't show up.

What he didn't know was that Yibo was busy with his friends this was his revenge from Zhan.

In the end, he just messaged him that he couldn't come becuase he was not well.

Zhan was disappointed but he was worried for Yibo as well he just hoped that the latter would get well soon. So with a dejected face, Zhan went back home since it was already late.

Author's note: I have a fever and I wish to rest but the voices in my head won't be quiet unless I write them down it sucks...Uwaaah sorry for the shitty chapter.

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