34. Punishment

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Zhan had gone numb as he sat outside the principal's voice he wasn't saying anything he wasn't looking at anyone he was terrified.

While the others tried to talk to him he hasn't said a word, "Emery you are so dead!" A-Xiang said and right there n front of the teachers and principal she attacked her she slapped her punched her and broke her nose.

A-Xiang beat her till she became unconscious, and finally, Simon had to hold her back from killing the woman but she wasn't calm, "Just you wait I am not done yet." she said as she breathe heavily and glared at her.

With Simon having to physically restrain her, "calm down please..." he pleaded and she did calm down once she saw Yanli, everyone was quiet and felt shivers go down their spine once they saw her expression while Zhan didn't dare to look at her.

Zhan place a hand on his chest and while Yanli who wore pencil heals and a black dress with open black hairs and red lipstick looked devilishly calm as she walked past him inside the principal's office.

"Zhan!" Another voice was heard soon, and Wen Qing walked to Zhan and sat down in front of her she was feeling as anxious as Zhan she was feeling absolute dread and anyone can tell that from her face, "Zhan what the hell happened? how come the drugs are involved here"

She took a deep breath but her hands were cold as she tightly held Zhan's hand, "Zhan she is mad, she is very mad when she heard the news she made a mess of the house, Zhan run away she is going to kill you, Zhan please she is very angry."

As Wen Qing spoke she started trembling and after hearing her the others also had a grave expression on their faces.

Zhan then remembered that Wen Qing was pregnant so he made her sit on the bench and sat down in front of her, "Calm down tiger it's not good for your health and the little one..."

Wen Qing's tears, spilled as she sniffed, "But...Zhan, she will seriously kill you...she is very angry..."

"She won't kill me..." Zhan said, "Just broke some bones maybe..."

Wen Qing stood up and glared at him, "Is this funny to you? you know her disorder right? you know that if her anger gets out of control she will kill you...her mental state will go haywire."

A-Cheng had enough he moved forward and grabbed Zhan's hand, "She is right, I will help you run away to go somewhere else....for a few days and come back once she is quiet....just Zhan please..."

While the other three didn't know Yanli they could tell that these people were not overreacting.

Zhan just shook his head and a few minutes later Yanli came out of the office and she was quiet too quiet, she just glanced at Zhan, "Let's go home..." she said and went forward a few seconds later Zhan and Wen Qing followed her.

Once they reached home Yanli quietly sat on the sofa and Zhan was in front of her, "I told you what I would do if I get one more complain right?"

Zhan nodded, Yanli poured herself some chocolate shake before she said, "What had I said."

"That you would kill me..."

"Good..."Yanli paused before she spoke loudly, "Come in..."

And four men walked in surrounded Zhan, Yanli spoke, "Since you clearly don't listen to me, and you have grown up so much that I can't beat you anymore so...I will let these men teach you..."

Ava was so horrified that she thought she would faint, while Yanli took a sip from the drink, her rationality was gone, she couldn't think straight anymore, it was as if she was sitting here but her mind was somewhere else...drugs alcohol, and cigarettes she hated these things.

She remembered years ago when she was held down and touched by drunk and drugged men when she was forcefully fed alcohol when she was injected with drugs, everything.

How addicted she had become and how much pain she had to endure, even had to go jail becuase she was falsely framed for taking drugs.

And today Zhan was on the same path this bastard was going to go to jail, media will make fun of him, or worse he could have done the same thing to another girl, it would be better for him to just die rather than do that.

Even though Yanli talked to the principal and managed to not let this matter escalate CCTV's and videos were destroyed but this matter cannot be forgiven and forgotten.

It would be better for Zhan to die or become disabled rather than becoming like his father, so she was seeing Victor through Zhan.

She wasn't hearing anything or seeing anything it was like she was trapped in her thoughts and mind before she said,

"Beat him to death."

"Drive safely A-Cheng," Simon said as A-Cheng was driving to the lotus mansion, Simon for some reason called his mom as well and told her to help them.

Once they reached Zhan's house they quickly ran inside and their hearts clenched when they heard the gut-wrenching Screams of Zhan...A-Cheng quickly ran in followed by A-Xiang and Simon, even Yibo was there with his bike he wanted to see if everything was okay...

But once they all reached inside the mansion they couldn't believe what they were seeing, four well-built people were beating Zhan mercilessly as Yanli watched with lifeless eyes.

Zhan was covered with blood, he was used to pain but it still hurt it just like his head he was pretty sure that a few of his bones must have been broken.

"Aunt stop it please!!!" Wen Qing begged as he saw that while Yibo ran towards the guards and punched them A-Cheng and Simon did the same  even A-Xiang did back down before going an picking a vase and bashing it against the man who was beating Zhan before A-Cheng yelled,

"Have you gone mad woman why are you punishing Zhan for someones else's mistakes?" the four of them stood in front of Zhan like a shield.

"Why did you stop," Yanli said with her robotic voice and the guards tried to attack Zhan again even Yuhai came to the house and was shocked to see the scene before her, Zhan was completely covered in blood.

She ran to Yanli and asked her to stop, "Yanli we can sit and talk please just stop please..."

Wen Qing also went to Zhan but she has pushed aside and once again she tried to shield Zhan and was about to get hit but Zhan grabbed her and shielded her, "AUNT PLEASE SEND HER INSIDE SHE IS PREGNANT!!"

Zhan yelled and Yanli suddenly yelled, "Halt!"

And the bodyguards stopped and struggled stopped Yanli walked towards Wen Qing and grabbed her forearm before making her stand up, "Have you gone mad, stupid girl how can you put the life of your child in danger?!" she yelled while Wen Qing cried, while Jiang Cheng was looking her with an odd expression.

"Aunt please just stop...please..."

Yanli looked to the side, "Ava take your daughter inside."

Ava did as she was told, while Yanli glared at Zhan, while Yuhai said, "Simon take him to the hospital..."

Yanli wanted to say something but Yuhai tightly held her hand, "Simon go..."

Simon helped Zhan to stand up before helping him walk out and Yibo followed him, but once they reached out Yibo picked up Zhan's bridal style because he could see that Zhan was in pain and Zhan was also slowly losing consciousness.

Yuhai sat beside Yanli and gently patted her back while eyeing the blood on the floor, she felt pity for Zhan.

Author's note: I think I broke my record updating chapters.

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