7. Planning

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The next day when Zhan went to college everything was quiet as usual.

 He quietly went to his class and sat in his seat, he put his head down on the table ad rested, yesterday Yanli was very mad at him and he didn't like that.

"Are you okay?" The one who talked to him wasn't Simon, it was Yibo, Zhan was quite shocked when he saw Yibo.

Yibo sat on the chair in front of his, "Are you okay? Zhan?"

Zhan nodded, "I am fine..." he became quiet for some time before saying again, "I am sorry Yibo...yesterday I shouldn't have said those things."

"Why the hell are you apologizing?" it was Simon who spoke now as he stood beside him and looked at Yibo, "and you what are planning?"

Yibo smiled, "I am just talking to him, you have any problem?"

"I don't believe you, and Zhan you should also ignore him." Simon said clearly, "God knows what he is planning."

"You see Zhan this guy does not want you to have any more friends, he himself is friendless and wants you to be like that as well."

"It's nothing like that and I have a friend." Simon defended.

"Who is just like him, boring," Yibo said, and before Simon could say anything the teacher came in.

Simon sat behind Zhan while Yibo was already seated in front of Zhan, and the professor for a second was shocked to see Yibo in class on time.

"What are you doing here?" the professor asked Yibo while the students chuckled, including Simon.

Yibo smiled and answered, "I am here to study...professor...why are you shocked."

"Give me a minute to digest this fact that you are on time... and actually here to study."

Yibo smiled, "Sure sir, take your time."

The class laughed, and after some time the professor also began his class.

And after a few minutes, Yibo started to feel sleepy. This is torture.

While the professor also made some comments on him, "Are you feeling sleepy, Yibo?"

"Of course not sir, I am enjoying myself here." 

"If you want you can go out and get some fresh air."

"Is this offer exclusively for me?" Yibo asked.


The class went on and after some time the class was finally over, but Yibo had more classes to attend, which made him groan.

"I don't trust him," Simon said as he sat in front of Zhan in the canteen," Zhan trust me to stay away from him if he comes to you, ignore him, nothing good comes by staying with him"

"You are overthinking Simon, he is not that bad and it was all a misunderstanding," Zhan said and Simon groaned, 

"Zhan, Zhan, Zhan! are you really so naive to think that a person can change so easily?" 

"But if he wants to friend then what's wrong with that? what can go wrong?"

Simon sighed and nearly banged his head against the table.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yibo said, "And can I sit here?" he asked, and before Simon could say no Zhan happily made some space for him, which made Simon sigh again.

While Yibo sat down beside Zhan...Haoxuan patted Simon's shoulder, "Will you shift please?"

"No..." Simon clearly said no but Haoxuan just smiled and was about to sit on Simon's lap and to avoid that from happening Simon quickly shifted to the side and A-Xiang joined them as well.

"You won't mind if my friends eat with you right?" Yibo asked.

"You should have asked that before sitting," Simon spoke.

Zhan spoke next, "Yeah sure no problem."

Simon rolled his eyes, "I am not eating anymore I will get constipation."

Yibo smirked, "You see Zhan he is jealous because you are talking to me that's it."

Simon smiled, "More like it's you who are jealous that's why you are here right? I mean you are one approaching us no me or him."

While the bickering was ongoing Haoxua ate his noodles and A-Xiang just enjoyed the drama while drinking her chocolate milkshake.

While Zhan just looked back and forth between them.

"Well Zhan is new here and I just want to help him, get through college," Yibo answered.

"For that job, I, teachers, and principal are enough we don't need a hooligan's help."

Haoxuan then spoke, "Zhan you eat your food, and enjoy this is not going to stop anytime soon,  don't waste your time eat, eat."

A-Xiang also waved at him to eat and as they said Zhan ate his lunch while the other two bickered.

"Just gets lost will you," Simon spoke with irritation.

"Um...how about no, if I had to leave I wouldn't have been here in the first place now would I?...such a dumb man you are."

Simon's blood pressure was rising now, firstly he cannot tolerate Yibo's face and now he has to sit with him and eat while listening to his nonsense what a torture.

But he cannot leave Zhan alone now, can he? So he took a deep breath and controlled himself by mentally murdering Yibo over and over again.

"So Zhan are you free today?" Yibo asked and Zhan thought, well Yanli has not told him about anything about any party or something so...

"I think yes."

"Great...then..." Yibo spoke but before he can complete Simon spoke, "Then come to my home today okay?"

Zhan looked at Simon who smirked at the annoyed Yibo, "Look I asked first right, so you have to listen to me."

Zhan nodded, "Yeah right I will try."

"That's good, then," Simon spoke.

the lunch break was over soon, while the others started to leave Simon stayed back and he held Yibo's arm.

While Zhan waited for him, "Zhan you go, I will join you later."

Zhan smiled and nodded, Haxuan and A-Xiang also left after they saw Yibo's nod.

Once they were alone Simon asked him, "What the hell are you planning Wang Yibo? why can't you just leave him alone?"

Yibo snatched his hand back, "What are you so worried about him?"

"Why are you being a jerk to him is it because he is a Xiao?"

"Yeah, so what? I am a jerk and I will make his life hell and you can't stop me, Simon, even my parents will support me here because The Xiao's have wronged them."

"He is innocent for god's sake leave him alone." 

"I can't I am sorry and save him if you can Simon." With that Yibo left.

Author's note: when I said that this book is going to be a 'little' cliche I wasn't joking, but boy this book is going to be so intense that you guys are going to bang your head against the wall while reading it.

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