26. Chaos

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The next day Zhan as usual woke up early and got dressed for college for some reason Zhan felt very anxious.

It was like he had a premonition that something terrible was going to happen but what? His heart was clenching like crazy and he felt weird.

Zhan splashed cold water on his face and tried his best to let go of the thoughts that were plaguing his mind. He took a warm shower before he got dressed.

For some reason, he didn't want to go to college but he had to, he can't skip college, after he was done styling his hair and went downstairs, where Yanli was already seated at the dining table.

When she saw him she said, "Go straight to college instead of fooling around."

"Yes, aunt..." Zhan said and looked at Ava he gave her a small smile and she smiled at him in return and gave him a slow nod before Zhan left for college.

During the entire ride Zhan felt anxious, he was fiddling with his phone and once he reached college he took a deep breath before getting down from the car.

Once he stepped inside the college, he went to his locker and took his books before proceeding towards his classes, on his way he saw Yibo and he wanted to call out to him but for some reason Yibo ignored him.

Zhan wanted to ask if he was okay because he hadn't shown up yesterday, during their next class Yibo had the same class as him, and Zhan wanted to talk to him but to his surprise, he saw Yibo walk in with another woman.

Zhan had not seen this woman before but he felt sat after he saw Yibo so close with someone else that was not him, that woman and Yibo sat together, and that Woman was constantly touching his arm.

For the first time in a while Zhan has felt this foreign and almost unknown emotion...anger, Zhan felt anger, he clenched his fist and kept on glancing at them, soon the girl looked at him and ignored him but she felt uncomfortable from his constant glancing and she moved closer to Yibo.

And Zhan nearly lost it, after the class was over Zhan tried to talk to Yibo he even tried to grab his hand but Yibo just slapped his hand away and glared at him...and to say Zhan was shocked would be an understatement. Yibo just walked away with the girl he had was on the waist on the girl.

Zhan again tried to talk to him in the hallway but he just ignored him. While the girl glared at him, Zhan felt anxious even more now his anxiousness was getting worse and worse now.

After that Zhan attended all his classes with worry he couldn't focus in any of his classes, his left leg kept on jumping and his forehead was sweating, while he was playing with his pen.

Soon lunchtime came and this time when Zhan reached the canteen he saw Yibo with that same girl so he walked to him with firm steps, he placed a hand on his shoulder, "Yibo can we..."

The girl from before just stood up and faced Zhan before she yelled at him, "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM WHY ARE YOU CONSTANTLY FOLLOWING US YOU CREEP!"

The entire attention was on them, she yelled so loudly that her voice echoed in the entire canteen, Zhan, however, had little to no effect he was used to being yelled at, he just spoke, "Look I just...

"DO YOU THINK THAT I AM INTERESTED IN YOU? THAT You Keep ON STARING AT ME? AND TRYING TO BOTHER MY BOYFRIEND?" she spoke with anger and Zhan's eyes widened when he heard that.

"What?! your boyfriend?" he said and the girl rolled her eyes, "Listen here you fucking cunt...I have a boyfriend and I have no interest in you so get lost..."

Zhan took a deep breath his breathing was going haywire as he looked at Yibo who still  had his back towards him, "Yibo...is this true?"

Emery smirked, "Yibo, tell him to tell this man so that he can stop harassing me..."

A-Xiang also came to the scene as she saw everything happening, "Wen Ning...go and call Simon hurry." the nerdy kid by the name of Wen Ning ran.

Wile Yibo stood up and finally turned and face Zhan, and smirked when he saw Zhan's broken expression, "What the hell is your problem huh? you better stop bothering my girlfriend Emery...you desperate attention seeker..."

He said and laced his hand on Emery's waist who leaned forwards and kissed Yibo right in front of Zhan...

And Dean and his friends who were sitting at the next table cheered for them, after a while Yibo broke the kiss and Emery smirked at him, she took the milkshake, "Take this and fuck off..." she said and dumped the entire milkshake on Zhan's head.

Dean and his friends, Jeremy and Kaleb laughed and cheered, "Wohooo, go girl well done, this harasser should be punished like this..."

Dean also stood up with his food and stood in front of Zhan, Zhan felt his eyes stung and his heartbreak into pieces as he saw the snickering faces of the others and Yibo's smirk and silence.

"Aw...are you crying? you poor orphaned cry baby?" Dean said and was about to dump his entire plate on Zhan's head but before he could do that he was punched so tightly that he fell on the floor.

"SHUT UP YOU MOTEHRFUCKERS." It was A-Xiang who stood in front of Zhan and glared at everyone including Emery, "Listen you slut! ZHan was not after a bitch like you he was after your whore of a boyfriend who was pestering him just a few days ago."

"What the hell!!" Dean's aid and glared at A-Xiang before moving towards him but A-Xiang just kicked his main part and bashed a food tray against his head which made him yell, "Touch me and I will kill you I promise!!"

Emery glared at A-Xiang, "You are lying you jealous bitch my boyfriend would never go after a cheap man like him..."

A-Xiang glared at her and then looked at Yibo was also glaring at her for calling him a whore, "Why wouldn't he? it's not a joke that he can sleep with anyone and anything...so why are you surprised? you should worry about yourself to not get an STD"



Dean stood up and smirked, "I guess that what happens when you don't have parents to teach you anything!"

Kaleb, Dean's friend also spoke, "Maybe his parents' left him because they knew how much of a trash he is!"

"Orphaned Trash"

"Orphaned Trash"

"Orphaned Trash"

"Orphaned Trash"

Dean and his friends cheered while Emery joined and Yibo just stayed silent while A-Xiang tried her best to shut them up.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE!" Simon spoke as he came and stood beside Zhan and was shocked to see Zhan drenched...he held his shoulders and looked at him from up and down while Zhan just stared in space.
Simon then glared at Yibo and his group, "who the hell did this?!"

Emery smirked, "Well your friend was stalking me all the time and was also eyeing me"

Simon glared at her, "Zhan would never look at a rotten-egg-like you and all of you just you wait...this milkshake and the yelling you all did just now I would like to see how principal would react and worse social media..." he then grabbed Zhan's hand and dragged him away from there.

While A-Xiang looked at Yibo with wet eyes and moved forward, "Wang Yibo, from this day...you are dead for me...fucking die you piece of shit!"
she said and walked away from there.

Yibo then looked around and saw Haoxuan there as well and this time he saw utter disappointment and disgust in his eyes. Yibo was not smiling anymore, he didn't feel happy as he thought he was wounded neither did he feel any satisfaction instead he felt the Opposite.

Author's note: This is the worst chapter I have ever written, I swear to god I am going to make them all suffer really bad don't worry have faith in me...

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