9. Invitation.

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"Would you like to join the basketball team, Zhan?" One of the students asked him, and he nodded,

"I would love to," Zhan said.

"Great then come out for the practice." The student asked.

"Zhan," Simon spoke, "Do you know how to play basketball?"

Zhan nodded and followed the students, Simon was with him as well, he wanted to see how Zhan will play.

And on their way, they met Yibo as well, "Woah, what are you doing here?" Yibo asked them and the student from earlier spoke, "I asked Zhan if he wanted to play basketball, and he said yes so I bought him here to see how good he is."

Yibo looked at him and smirked," That's great, let me play as well, Max."

The student named Max nodded, "Sure,"

"I will play against Zhan." Yibo spoke and took the ball, he also said Hi to the coach who gave him a small nod, "Coach let me play against Zhan."

"Sure but he is now so go easy on him."

"Coach to know that he is worthy to be in our team or not we have to be a little stern right?"

Zhan stepped into the basketball field and the coach laced the whistle in his after telling them to be ready and blew the whistle and thus the game began, Yibo let Zhan take the ball in the beginning, and to his surprise, Zhan was very good at it.

Zhan was able to defend the ball and take it to the basket but he wasn't able to goal because Yibo stopped him, then it was Yibo who took the ball and but Zhan made it difficult for him to move towards the goal.

Zhan was very good in this game but Yibo had to maintain his image he cannot let a new student, and especially a xiao take his place. This was the first time in a while that Yibo had to put extra effort to score a goal.

Yibo sighed with relief, thank god, after that he took the ball but Zhan was able to snatch it, but he still wasn't able to score a goal but he didn't let Yibo score a goal as well, and after some time, the coach stopped the match.

"You are really good, Zhan." the coach said. and the other students also praised him while Zhan just smiled gently and thanked all of them.

However Yibo was really annoyed at him, he was furious, he does not like seeing Zhan, getting all the praises had it been someone else it would be alright but not Zhan.

Zhan saw him and smiled at him he raised his hand for a handshake, "That was a good game, Yibo, I loved playing with you."

 Yibo smiled and his smile was not really a smile he grabbed Zhan's hand and held it so tightly that Zhan frowned because of the pain while Yibo wanted to crush his hand.

"Yeah right it was a good game, Zhan," he said and broke the handshake, Zhan smiled slightly and clenched his aching hand.

While Yibo left that, Zhan was easily accepted in the team and Simon was happy for him while he did notice Yibo's anger as well, but he decided not to talk to him about it, Yibo is like a wall talking to him is like hurting yourself.

"That was hella great Zhan," Simon spoke to Zhan,

"Thanks, Simon, I actually played basketball after a long time I was afraid that I might mess up but thankfully I didn't."

Simon patted Zhan's shoulder, "There is going to be a match six months later if you perform well maybe the coach will allow you to play."

Zhan didn't say anything he was just thankful for Simon's words, they went to their respective classes, they had several classes together today and soon it was lunchtime.

After today Simon had thought that Yob might not come but to his surprise, Yibo did come to them during lunchtime.

"You were amazing there, Zhan" Yibo said and Zhan smiled, "Thanks."

Haoxuan added, "It was the first time after a long time I have seen this guy struggle to get a goal."

A-Xiang added, "He is right, Zhan you were amazing."


"By the way, there is going to be a party two days later would you like to join?" Yibo asked and this time he was sitting beside Simon and before Simon could say anything Yibo placed the bread in his mouth so that he couldn't say anything.

"I am asking you in two days advance so that, some idiot won't interfere," Yibo said as he smiled at Simon, who glared at him while trying to eat the huge piece of bread in his mouth.

"Um...I will have to ask my aunt, if she will have some work for me then I don't think I will be able to attend your party but if I am free then why not."

"I hope you don't have any work that day."

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