52. Dare

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Zhan was in his office when he received the call from Dean, "Hello."

"Hell Mr. Xiao."Zhan recognized Dean's voice, "Mr. Smith what can I do for you?"

"Oh come on, Zhan why are talking like we don't know each other?"

Zhan sighed, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"I see so you have forgotten about me...I understand how about we reminisce about the past and have dinner together?" Dean asked casually, "Or don't tell me you are still having a grudge about the past, it was just small pranks nothing major I hope you have forgotten about it."

Zhan massaged his forehead, "Mr. Smith, I have a tight schedule so I don't think I have time..." before Zhan could complete his sentence Dean spoke,

"Oh then I also have a tight schedule to be able to go through the files you send and I am afraid this is going to affect our deal."

Zhan felt anger, he clenched his fists as he heard Dean's flirty and disgusting voice, there were many times when they had encounters with each other and most of the time Zhan had always felt disgusted whenever Dean has tried to make advances towards him.

And now he has to please him to get the deal. Dean has always been a nuisance to him, his mere presence is like a curse to Zhan.

No matter how much Zhan tried to avoid Dean, Dean always finds a way to approach him and Zhan is not a fool to not understand that this is all is not a coincidence.

And when Zhan thinks deeper and thinks about the intentions that a disgusting person Dean might have then he feels shivers run down his spine.

"Mr. Xiao I am waiting for your answer." Dean said, "and so is your deal."

Zhan clenched his fist and reminded himself that this was for the company, for the good, and this was just a dinner.


"Great I'll make the reservations and send them to you."

Zhan nodded, and the call was disconnected. Zhan has never had this amount of anger he wants the person to just disappear before. Maybe he should talk to Cheng to make this guy disappear and with how much Cheng hated Dean he would personally do it and Zhan will gladly assist him.

Thinking like this Zhan felt so much better.

A moment later his phone rang and he picked it up, "Yes."

"Sir, there is someone here to meet you."

"Who is it?"

"Sir it's a delivery boy and has bought some gift for you from Mr. Wang Yibo."

Zhan smiled, "Alright then send him in."

"Sure sir." 

Zhan was excited to know what Yibo had sent him, and soon the delivery boy came in, the boy was wearing a face mask but Zhan was only waiting for the gift that the delivery boy gave him.

Zhan opened the small box, and he saw that it was a beautiful black branded diamond watch.

Zhan took the watch, "Wow." he said and watched the watch with a fond look on his face.

Then he saw that the delivery boy was still there, "Is there something else?" Zhan asked the delivery boy nodded.

Zhan then got up from his place, to throw the wrapper in the dustbin and kept the watch on the table, and then stood in front of the delivery boy, "What is it?"

But instead of answering the delivery boy suddenly grabbed his waist, which shocked him, and he tried to get rid of the hold, "What the..."

But the delivery boy pushed him back and made him sit on the chair and removed his face mask and the cap.

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