20. Party

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"Yibo can you please slow down you are going to fast." Zhan spoke but Yibo smirked and dove faster, while Zhan placed a hand on his shoulder, he was so scared that he couldn't even speak properly.

"Yibo please, I don't like this, you are going too fast." Zhan pleaded but Yibo enjoyed his sufferings so he ignored it and and drive faster and once they reached the party Zhan immediately got down from the bike, " I told you drive slower then why didn't you listen?!"
Zhan spoke but Yibo just rolled his eyes and grabbed his hand before dragging him inside.

It was like the usual parties, loud ear blasting music, strong stench of alcohols, dancing strangers and strangers making out with each other.

Zhan felt out of place highly out of place, just what the hell was she doing here?

Its not like he will dance or that he knew anyone here, other than Yibo, "Yibo can you lease tell me what am I doing here?"

Yibo dragged Zhan towards a corner where the drinks were available, Yibo poured himself a drink and he did the same thing for Zhan as well, "Just have fun."

While Yibo drank his alcohol in one go Zhan just looked at his glass, he looked at the shiny brownish liquid that smelled horrible, he just kept his glass to the side, "are you not going to drink it?"

"I don;t like alcohol."

"Just one glass won't kill you dude, and come on it's for fun."

"Fun or not I don't like it so I will skip besides I am a light weight so I will not drink it."

Yibo sighed and grabbed the glass, "Come one, drink it for me please...and don't worry I am here I will look out for you so trust me okay?"

Yibo bought the glass near Zhan's mouth , who turned his face to the side, "Yibo...I,"

Yibo sighed and took a sip before grabbing Zhan's chin between his index finger and thumb and kissing him thus pouring the alcohol in his mouth.

Zhan coughed and wiped his mouth, it was a very bitter and ver strong alcohol.

And Yibo didn't bother to give him light alcohol, he gave Zhan the strongest one and Zhan who was already a light weight felt tipsy, Yibo smiled and bought the glass near his lips and made Zhan drink the entire alcohol.

"It's good right?" Yibo asked and Zhan just nodded his face was already red, thankfully Yibo didn't gave him anymore and drank on his own, while Zhan just sod beside him while looking around.

A few minutes later Dean approached him, "Yibo...welcome..."

Yibo smiled at him while Dean glanced at Zhan and shook hands with him ,"I didn't expect you to come here as well, are you enjoying here?"

Maybe it was alcohol that made Zhan say his true feelings, "No...it's not upto my standards." he spoke and Yibo raised an eyebrow while Dean clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, but he smiled and looked at Yibo,

"Yibo can I have a word with you?" Deans aid and Yibo without any hesitation left Zhan alone while he sat on the chair and looked around.

"What is it?" Yibo asked.

"You had asked me to prepare something for him right?" Dean said with a smirk,

"Yeah so what did you prepare?" Yibo asked and Dean smiled before showing him a packet filled with white powder,

Yibo recognised the white powder in as soon as he saw it, "Drugs?"

"We can slip drugs in his drink and after that we can also keep some drugs in the pockets of his pants and then call the police imagine the chaos when this news will reach the media...how big of a scandal it will create."

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