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You feel much better went up to the hat Professor put it on your head, "hmm hmm difficult, difficult I...see courage so much that to brave not like other blacks, I have sorted.  Kind and caring loyal, Oh my my my! So many wits and clever book smart cunning ambitious you have all the traits of every house. You can be great you know he told HMMM hmmm after 15 mins it said but, you my child I can not put you with the monster itself so I will put you in...

GRYFFINDOR" it yelled.

You went there not even making eye contact with Malfoy now how are you going to tell your family?

When you went to your table Harry immediately spoke to you, "Y/n are you ok? You did not even realize  that we were sorted?",  "Yeah, your eyes were open you were in a sort of trance?" Hermione added. 'N/n are you alright?'

'Guys I am fine. Just felt dizzy' you said They all nodded. and after the heavenly meal, you guys went to your dorm you were sharing a dorm with Hermione which you honestly did not mind you guys got talking you had so much in common. "Hey!" one-off your roommate shouted, "turn off the lights will you we are so tired" you both quietly giggled. "Goodnight Hermione," you said she smiled at you "Good Night Y/N." 

The next morning you woke up to see Hermione calling "Y/N Y/N get up we will be late". You turned to look at Hermione "yeah just give me thirty mins I will go and get ready". After you guys got ready and had your breakfast you both went to Transfiguration. "Hermione was the boys?" You asked. "UHH, who?... wait you mean Ron and Harry?",  Yeah obviously. "I do not know but why do you care?"

"Well, they are our friends"  she gave you sort of the look. "At least to me" you replied.

After thirty mins into the class, you saw Harry and Ron running and barging into the classroom

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After thirty mins into the class, you saw Harry and Ron running and barging into the classroom. "Thank god mam is not here!"  You heard Ron saying. "What are you saying Ron?" you asked "she is in front of you", you said motioning to the cat.

"What!" He yelled. You looked at him "why don't you shout louder? The ministry can be called?"

Ron looked around before he could say anything the cat transformed to professor McGonagall  "Perhaps  I should turn one-off you into a watch, that way one off you would be on time". "We got lost" Harry uttered, "then maybe a map? I believe you do not need one to find your seats" they nodded and sat. You all Four went to Charms classroom where you spotted the professor.


You smiled and went up to him "Good Morning Professor today we will be learning the Levitation Charm?" Professor Flitwik turned to you  "Ahh Good morning Miss Black yes we indeed are learning about The levitation Charm but how do you know?" You shook your head no  "I do not know professor."  You smiled one last time at him and went to find your seat. "So settle down class we will be doing the levitation Charm now Pronounce  the Incantation very Clearly Windadrium Leviohsa."You could hear chorus You saw Harry doing it wrong. "Harry Do not do it like that."

"Here take a look" You pointed your wand at the Feather "Wingadrium Leviosa" the feather started levitating, "Ahh Miss Black has done it thirty  points to Gryfindoor. "Now you try Harry I will help you if you need". You herd Hermione saying it is "Levi-ohsa no levio-sa" as she showed Ron How to levitate the feather "Miss Granger has done it to thirty points to Gryfindoor" you smiled well done Hermione we already  got sixty points to our house."

You saw Draco looking at you and you looked away in the speed of light?

You became nervous great I went to the rival house of Slytherin how could they ever love me the same Draco must be looking at me with disappointment . You thought. Once when the Charms classroom was done you sprinted out the classroom.

"Y/N!"  Draco shouted loud enough the whole class herd him you went to your next class potions.


Harry came next you and sat while Hermione to your right Ron sat in next to Harry. "Y/n are you ok? you looked pretty uncomfortable when Draco called you?" Harry nodded  "Yeah talk to us Y/n" Harry told, "Shall I tell you after this class since we have a thirty  mins break?", "Yeah sure" Hermione told when suddenly Professor Snape barged in the classroom. "There will be no wand waving or silly incantations in this class!"  he said looking at me and then at Harry.

"As such I do not expect many off you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art of potion making. However.... for those few who posses the preposition, he started again Looking at you  and Draco. "I can teach you too ensnare the senses, Bewitch the mind. I can tell you how to bottle fame, Brew glory and even put a stopper to death then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in,  of abilities so formidable enough to... not. pay attention!" He said looking at Harry I turned to Harry who was taking down notes. "Harry" I whispered. So that he could pay attention.

"Mr Potter our new celebrity Potter tell me what would I get if I added powdered asphodel to the infusion of Wormwood? he asked

Harry did not say anything "you do not know!?"

Well let us try again. "Where Mr Potter, Would you look if I asked you to find me bezaor?"

"I don't know sir" Harry replied.

You  felt bad for him how can he know all this he did not even live in our world?

Hermione had her hand since the first question you already knew all the answers.

"And what is the  difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Professor Snape asked again.

"I do not know" sir Harry replied.

Clearly fame is not everything , "is it Mr Potter?"

He turned around you had enough!

I sighed and said sir " Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught off living death , A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach off a goat and it will save you from most potions. Now for Monkshood and wolfsbane they are the same plant which can also go by the name Aconite. Now sir if I am to ask you muggle chemist's medicines you will not be able to answer it and it is quit inconsiderate off you as a teacher to ask Harry these questions knowing he was not there in our world before."

He turned to me and said "Well Miss Black I did not ask you."

"Well sir How can I not answer or else you might think all the students here who have fame might be daft. And we do not want that do we?"

He smirked at me and told '20 points of Gryfindoor'. I smiled Harry looked at me with a smile I smiled back and told it is okay Harry. 'No need to thank me Oh I  do not know Professor Snape  personally."

He was shocked "You just read my mind".  "Do not take it personally Harry I do not read minds often."

We were in the great hall.

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