The Beginning of the war

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Voldemort shot another killing curse, Before that he levitated you so that you wouldn't be harmed during the duel. How sweet right? Harry wasn't too lucky. Voldemort and Dumbeldore's spells collided in the air sending sparks flying. 

You couldn't help but stare at Voldemort in admiration, He was powerful also

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You couldn't help but stare at Voldemort in admiration, He was powerful also. You admired the fact he was so fearless all the time, You loved his intimidation the way he made people cower without even casting one spell at them. Dumbledore threw a fiery rope at Voldemort, It rotated around him before he transfigured into a snake-

 Dumbledore threw a fiery rope at Voldemort, It rotated around him before he transfigured into a snake-

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Which went charging at Dumbeldore-He then threw a water ball. Which seemed to hold Voldemort when he was free of the bind he broke glasses and threw them 

 Which seemed to hold Voldemort when he was free of the bind he broke glasses and threw them 

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You gasped as it almost hit Harry, Then Voldemort stopped. He vanished and then seem to be as if posses Harry, He was struggling in pain. It hurt to see you in so much pain. In your mind, you begged Voldemort to Stop.

Please Please stop, Harry can't take any more. You can take me instead just stop! 

When Voldemort came out of Harry. "You stopped?" Dumbeldore breathed. Voldemort turned his gazes at you, You were surprised he stopped. He just gazed at you. Dumbledore looked at Voldemort before he finally grabbed Bellatrix and apparated before that you felt a rose in your hand, He gave me another rose. HE GAVE YOU ANOTHER ROSE! You smiled before you almost fell daydreaming Harry caught you "Y/n I am so so sorry."

"We are alive." You said dumbfounded "WE ARE ALIVE!!" You cheered as you felt your father lift you off your feet "DAD WE ARE ALIVE" You hugged Sirius He laughed as he put you on the floor. He kissed your forehead "You brave brave brave girl, You got that from me you know?" Sirius smirked you looked at him and crushed him into a death hug "TO Bad I couldn't kill Bellatrix stupid Lestrange but we are alive!" You said happily. "N/n- Can't breath" But you didn't let go until a few minutes he was panting. 

"Y/n" Hermione and Ron hugged you, You pulled  Harry to join though he looked very regretful. 
"Y/n guys. I'm so sorry, I put you all in danger. I was warned, Anyone could have died today because of my stupidity.

It wasn't long before your smile disappeared and instead was replaced by tears. The Ministry knew Several of the Death Eaters were arrested that meant your dad to "No. no-no" You softly called as tears once again embraced your cheeks. Your dad knew you couldn't hold on, You collapsed into his arms as your dad rubbed you back "Dad there taking him away!" You choked out. Sirius knew he deserved it no matter what, but he also knew you didn't deserve the tears. Sirius hugged you as he let you cry in his arms "Voldemort he's angry he'll let him rot to death." You cried helplessly.

Sirius did not know what to say to comfort you, as tears of helplessness poured onto his shoulder. "It will be fine Princess. It will be."


Today was a very hard day. You had curled up in your dorm refusing to come out, It wasn't a hard day just for you, It was very hard for Harry as well. "LET ME OUT!" Harry shouted in an painful rage. "No." Dumbeldore required calmly "JUST LET ME OUT! I CAN'T FACE ANYONE!" Harry  yelled again. "Please Harry sit down." Harry reluctantly took a seat in front of Dumbeldore's office desk, "I failed her" He whispered "I put every one in danger.. Y/n, Luna, Hermione, Ron, Nevile, Ginny and worst of all I put Sirius in danger...Y/n is still trying to get over Lucius Malfoy, And I sent him to Azkaban" Harry said feeling extremely guilty and evident rage. 
"I know how you feel." Dumbeldore said calmly. Harry felt his rage bottled again "KNOW? KNOW HOW I FEEL? KNOW HOW I FEEL?" 

"Yes, Y/n is in tears--"

"Because of me! I almost got Sirius killed. If it wasn't for Y/n we would be dead, and yet she forgave me!" Harry screamed. "Yes, Indeed it was also my fault.. Harry Y/n powers are beyond the ordinary, If she had survived the Cruciatus curse.. Her powers are mildly develop. She can sense danger, She can feel traps.. she came to protect all of you, It's sorely my fault. I should have warned you. Voldemort might try to lure you to the Department of Mysteries. I was wrong to have let it pass. However on Lucius after him failing to retrieve the prophecy, In which Voldemort has planned for months.. I'd say he is much safer in Azkaban than free." Dumbeldore said truthfully. 

"I don't know what to say. What do I say to her?" Harry asked frustrated "Let her be.. It won't be long before she moves on... She's getting immune to them, stronger more resilient." Dumbeldore stated knowing you'd have to get up, "It's hard on her... But it won't be long." He assured.


The Ministry had seen what happened-You-Know-Who was back, and it was chaos in the Ministry. Fudge had tried all means to keep his power but, failed. An wrong man was being tracked for a year. A year of deaths with Voldemort on the loose. Fudge had contacted Harry and You but you further exposed Fudge showing the sadistic punishments of Umbridge, the usage of an unforgivable curse, Her vile ways to enjoy torture. You had no respect for the man. An Ministry should never be so corrupt. 
It wasn't long before Headmaster was back in Hogwarts and Umbridge had been banished of the grounds. While you saw the Prophet of Lucius but this time you would not cry. 
You had to fight harder. He calls you a princess? To bad your a queen. 

The end of the horrid school year was finally close by-You, Harry, Ron were living in the Safe house, Though Sirius hated living there, It was much better when the Weaslys arrived. Ron didn't stay with you no, He lived in the burrow. It was you, Sirius. Sirius helped you a lot, from putting you to sleep (To avoid nightmares) From joking around, and most of all not ignoring you.


This thus, end's your fifth year at Hogwarts- Be ready for the next school year
All sorts of crazy stuff will happen- Loads of drama- 

-Be ready to see more dreams-
-Lot of romance-
-And always fun-

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