The first DADA class of the year

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After my first day at Hogwarts I hadn't had much time with my friends except with Hermione, you see I and Hermione have similar classes and each of us have been given  a time turner because we have taken quite a few classes the only time I get to see Harry, Ron, Luna, Nevile and Draco is when we have food. Me and Hermione right now have just finished Study of ancient ruins and now we have defence I have a very bad and I mean very bad feeling about this class, I gathered the notebooks and a few parchments that I think I would require when Hermione called out to me,
"N/n? What is it usually during DADA and Potions your always the first one to be there in potions you still are but today you don't feel like DADA is it?" Hermione questioned after looking at me as I slowly gathered my parchments.

"Yes, The thing is I was looking forward for this class but the Professor she is not good she is vile and do you remember the hearing?" I asked as I could feel the anger in my veins.
Hermione chuckled a bit "No one will forget that day Fudge had absolutely nothing to say but why are referring to that day? Is something wrong?"
I could sense the haste in her voice "Come let us walk and I will tell you the classroom is quite far." Hermione nodded as she walked beside me.

"So the Dementor attack remember when Fudge told that Dementors are controlled by the Ministry and now it can be by Voldemort also?" I waited for her to clarify.

"Of course I do the one you have a crush on." Hermione playfully smirked.

"Really Hermione your teasing me with Voldemort? Out of all the people you could find?" I asked not going to lie my heart skipped a beat as I felt myself flustered but shocked she teased me with Voldemort if only that was a reality oh god heavens save me.

"Alright but I'll be noting it so tell me Dementor attack what happened."

"Ahh yes so look I was a bit surprised when Harry mentioned the attack since they told only the Ministry and Voldemort has control now look I traced the magical senses of the dementors to where they came from now I'm sure Voldemort didn't send them because they didn't have any vile dark magic as I traced back I found out it was sent from the ministry, Now the Dementors would have been sent from an Inquistor or Fudge himself, Now further as I tracked it down I found out it was Umbridge--" Hermione cut me short expected.

"What? How did you did that? Why I'm so confused" Hermione said baffled.

"Ok look calm down Umbridge sent the Dementors she didn't like Harry as he said Voldemort was back so she sent them knowing Harry will be forced to use magic." 


No one's Pov-

Hermione was shocked "Wait let me get this straight Umbridge sent the Dementors to Umbridge meant to get Harry expelled?"


"We will talk to the boys" Hermione huffed "You will tell them."

Soon you reached the classroom you both were the last one there were only two seats one with Harry and Ron you smirked quickly going of to Harry you knew Ron and Hermione had a spark to the Protest of Hermione which you could care less you took a seat as a few loose papers flew to Harry's desk.
"Sorry about that" You said referring to the papers.

"No problems been a while?" Harry asked gathering the papers as he handed it to you.
"We will meet at the Forbidden forest tonight?" You questioned expecting a bark or shock.
Harry looked at you "Why Y/n?" He whined.

"Stop whining Harry very important!" 

"Ok ok"

"Good morning children came an annoying squeaky voice" Umbridge walked to the front "I've looked into the past Defence aginst the dark arts looked into the professors such a disappointment is it not? Y/n?" You immediately knew she held a grudge on you, you could feel anger but smiled "Most of them were stupid" You replied 

Her eyebrows were furrowed "An examination called O-W-L-S" She spelled are we so daft? 

"It feels like Mother and Father was teaching me the letters" You smiled that memory was the cutest.

Harry laughed 

"These will be your textbooks for the year" All the books was given to us

"Yes?' Umbridge questioned Hermione who had raised her hand.

"There is nothing on using defensive spells?"

She chuckled "Spells I don't understand why children like you would require spells?"

And I don't understand why you are not in Azkaban.

"The ministry has decided magic will  not be learnt theory is enough to get us through the O.W.L.S in a secure free way."

"When we die?" You remarked as Umbridge turned to you "Oh dear why would you die now look someone has told you a certain dark wizard has returned and there is nothing out there!" You could feel the anger in her voice.

You got up "No Umbridge" You declared "It is not for that, the Ministry is afraid, afraid to see the danger out there do you have any idea how many people are at a risk of loosing there lives simply because Fudge is afraid!? Hundreds read the daily prophet and they should be aware of the dangers but no hundreds will be killed and people like you are the reason we won't get out... Alive!" You said loudly.

Umbridge looked at you with hate  "Now Black your pushing the line--" You cut her short.

You scoffed "Pushing the line? Pushing the line? No your supposed to teach us what we need ok forget about Voldemort" When you said his name Umbridge tensed and a few gasps echoed "Many people here would like to be aurours, Transfiguration training, Law magic... What about that? At least for that?" Now your patience was running very low this woman dare had the rights to speak to you on what is right and wrong? After what she had done? 


"And I would be there I'd rather die!" You spat so hatefully you herd Harry's thoughts 

What has happened to her has she changed she seems so agitated then you realized what you were doing your necklace had stopped glowing a red as your eyes softened instantly you grabbed your parchments what a waste coming here you walked out the door. 

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